Colors Deck Name Player
Small 5C zoo v.4 Josefista2
MGA modern V Josefista2
Small 5c zoo v.3 Josefista2
Small 5C zoo Josefista2
yes TopDollarRomeo
Control Needs ModernControl Needs
Needs ModernControl Needs
Jund Saga ReidDuke
RDW spunky2
RDW spunky2
Sultai Nadu BKmtg
Rakdos Burn Sporter
Modern D&T 2025 update kooba3
MGA modern IV Josefista2
Rakdos Scam Theo the Great and All-Powerful
Rakdos Scam Theo the Great and All-Powerful
Dredge25 Shibbxyz
Mono B/W Lifegain V3 bobxll
25 Dredge Shibbxyz
MGA modern III Josefista2