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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6851 - 6900 of 6905 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
U/R Emerge Nick Cowden SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 33rd-64th 7/17/2017
U/R Prowess Levi Basham SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 33rd-64th 7/17/2017
B/R Eldrazi Galen Whittaker SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 33rd-64th 7/17/2017
R/G Ramp Michael McClure SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 33rd-64th 7/17/2017
Temur Energy Aaron Barich SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 33rd-64th 7/17/2017
Five-Color Planeswalkers Todd Stevens SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 33rd-64th 7/17/2017
R/G Ramp Kwane Gunn SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
Temur Energy Forrest Kamperman SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
Grixis Control Devin Beeghly SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
R/G Ramp Jonathan Benson SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
U/R Control Andy Huynh SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
Temur Monsters John Roberts II SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
U/R Emerge Sean Ackerman SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
Mono-Red Eldrazi Brent Clawson SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
Mardu Vehicles Julian John SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 17th-32nd 7/17/2017
U/R Control Kennen Haas SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 9th-16th 7/17/2017
Grixis Control Jungie Choi SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 9th-16th 7/17/2017
R/G Energy Dalton Copenhaver SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 9th-16th 7/17/2017
Mardu Vehicles Dylan Donegan SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 9th-16th 7/17/2017
Temur Control Zach Allen SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 9th-16th 7/17/2017
Temur Energy Jason Morgan SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 5th-8th 7/17/2017
Mono-Red Aggro Jonathan Job SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 5th-8th 7/17/2017
Four-Color Control Michael Hamilton SCG Open Standard - Cincinnati - 7/15/17 1st 7/17/2017
R/G Ramp HippoxDragon MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/17/2017
Mono-Red jmatthewwalsh MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/17/2017
Mono-Red Mac142 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/17/2017
Mono-Red Eldrazi MisterSister MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/17/2017
Temur Energy Mad-Ramon MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/17/2017
Temur Energy Kengur MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/17/2017
Mono-Red ZawaSpecial MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/17/2017
Temur Reanimator zman2340 MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/16/2017
U/R Control Graey MTGO Competitive Standard League: 7/10-7/16 7/16/2017
Blue red tempo Sokits3 7/16/2017
aggro spells Jesskeez 7/16/2017
minus jund Jesskeez 7/16/2017
Grixis Flash Control Mike Dote 7/16/2017
Grixis Control Voidragon 7/15/2017
mardu GDD - Gift toby 7/15/2017
RDW - advice/feedback please crash_test 7/15/2017
Negative Jund Matt1291 7/14/2017
Black-Red Planeswalkers Craig Wescoe 7/14/2017
Blue-Red Control Seth Manfield 7/14/2017
Grixis Control Brian Braun-Duin 7/13/2017
Mono-Red Eldrazi Mc_Victory 7/13/2017
Black-Red Control Michai 7/13/2017
Blue-Red Prowess Jim Davis 7/13/2017
Red-Green Ramp Todd Stevens 7/13/2017
Grixis Control Brennan DeCandio 7/13/2017
Grixis Control (HOU) thatphilguy 7/12/2017
Grixis Control TuxedoJackson 7/12/2017

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