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Search Results for Modern Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 50 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Mono Black Modern Phoenix Prime 3/2/2025
Mono Blue Scam Squirrel Lord 2/16/2025
Boros Tokens Sporter 1/14/2025
Arabella and Krenko Sporter 1/14/2025
Arabella Sporter 1/13/2025
The non-blue Ox Sporter 1/13/2025
Boxen of Oxen Sporter 1/13/2025
Goblins & Drakes Sporter 1/11/2025
Modern Staples SokolovSchemer 12/22/2024
Mono Green Tron Ver. 5 LatNim 12/12/2024
Daves Deck DaveDCMD 11/6/2024
Ruby Storm Ragnite 11/4/2024
Ninja Wants Igniama 10/29/2024
Rock Synchro Deck SmirkyCat 10/20/2024
Boros Hounds ScionofErebus 10/12/2024
Dimir Oculus Corrected BKmtg 10/10/2024
Dimir Oculus BKmtg 10/10/2024
Murktide Frog Duskmourn BKmtg 10/3/2024
8 whack oct SamRi 10/1/2024
8 whack oct 2024 SamRi 10/1/2024
Dimir Murktide BKmtg 10/1/2024
Modern Taxes Experiment 24 kooba3 9/20/2024
MGA modern VII Josefista2 9/19/2024
Naya small zoo v2 Josefista2 9/19/2024
Naya small zoo Josefista2 9/19/2024
5C zoo v9 Josefista2 9/18/2024
5C zoo v.8 Josefista2 9/12/2024
Small 5C zoo v.4 Josefista2 9/3/2024
MGA modern V Josefista2 9/2/2024
Small 5c zoo v.3 Josefista2 9/2/2024
Small 5C zoo Josefista2 9/2/2024
yes TopDollarRomeo 8/30/2024
Control Needs ModernControl Needs 8/30/2024
Needs ModernControl Needs 8/29/2024
Jund Saga ReidDuke 8/29/2024
RDW spunky2 8/27/2024
RDW spunky2 8/27/2024
Sultai Nadu BKmtg 8/25/2024
Rakdos Burn Sporter 8/20/2024
Modern D&T 2025 update kooba3 8/16/2024
MGA modern IV Josefista2 8/12/2024
Rakdos Scam Theo the Great and All-Powerful 8/12/2024
Rakdos Scam Theo the Great and All-Powerful 8/12/2024
Dredge25 Shibbxyz 8/11/2024
Mono B/W Lifegain V3 bobxll 8/10/2024
25 Dredge Shibbxyz 8/10/2024
MGA modern III Josefista2 8/8/2024
MGA modern II Josefista2 8/8/2024
Meta Tribal zoo Josefista2 8/8/2024
Tribal zoo mid Josefista2 8/8/2024

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