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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 251 - 300 of 300 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Extended UBRw Mimic Vat ObscureThreat 12/21/2010
5C Elemntal Evoke MP deck Participleish 12/14/2010
type four new cards Lorwynkid 12/8/2010
Evoke Vat redkid12 11/11/2010
hypergenesis angelus391 10/28/2010
Fauna Tempo (Please Rate) dauthidark 8/2/2010
RUG elementals frend 7/16/2010
Red Blue Elemental Gangrene 7/15/2010
Compiled cube I_am_chris 7/5/2010
BGWRU elemental EDH Sinders 7/4/2010
Cube I_am_chris 6/22/2010
Living Vaults forteanubis 4/5/2010
Controlled Burn silvertooth 2/24/2010
Horde of Notions GFireflyE 2/3/2010
Hypergenesis astrosicebear 8/7/2009
Jace's Mind Magic Brave Vesperia 8/4/2009
Z.Karamoff's PMC list muppetpastor 7/14/2009
Blue Bouncing v2 BudgetDecks 7/4/2009
Budget Bouncing BudgetDecks 7/3/2009
Variant Swans Casade Boobeard 5/24/2009
UBr Cascade counterboy 5/8/2009
Bounce, Hop, Drop Belgarath 4/30/2009
Makeshift Durron 12/21/2008
Ruler of Cards Jace_Beleren 12/5/2008
Jace control sundancekidd 12/4/2008
Jace vs. Chandra Duel Decks: Jace WotC 11/3/2008
mannequin PrimEvil 6/8/2008
Blue Stomp Babieman 5/13/2008
CoOl BeAnS qw3rtyuiop 4/8/2008
all comon U/W blink darthtuk 3/11/2008
COMUNS rumifole 3/3/2008
RU Contorl/Burn GusStorm 3/2/2008
u/r control reposted aoirchan 2/18/2008
u/r control aoirchan 2/16/2008
strobestorm siopaomanx 1/28/2008
lolololololol! john@rious 1/5/2008
Bouncy izewiske 1/3/2008
Most Annoying Deck Ever? izewiske 12/29/2007
Elemental Combo mountainman17 12/21/2007
U/B/W Mannequin Blink Toast187 12/12/2007
Reanimator 2K7 lonestar4ever 12/12/2007
Linessa Bounce denton222 12/7/2007
Nath Mill JPHANISH 11/30/2007
Evoke Fun prodayt1234 11/18/2007
illusion pwnage nightsweap 11/5/2007
Blink PDC glasszon 11/1/2007
U/B Mannequin himitsurugi 10/30/2007
Cockermentals William Spaniel 10/12/2007
Elemental Blink Assault alurbase 10/11/2007
elementary my dear watson zazooo 10/10/2007

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