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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 400 of 672 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Abzan Company Austin Eslyn 2016 SCG Classic Modern - Atlanta - 6/5 9th-16th 6/8/2016
Abzan Company Kerry Edwards 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - MT 3rd-4th 6/3/2016
Abzan Company Ricardo Agrinsoni 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - ME 2nd 6/3/2016
Abzan Company Anthony Mendola 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - MN 2nd 6/3/2016
Abzan Company Jack Nichols 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - IA 3rd-4th 6/2/2016
Abzan Company Jonathan Bradshaw 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - KY 2nd 6/2/2016
Abzan Company James Gibbs 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - KY 1st 6/2/2016
Mono-White Humans Ryan Wall 2016 Grand Prix Minneapolis 6/1/2016
Mono-White Humans Zachary Dyar 2016 Grand Prix Minneapolis 9th-16th 6/1/2016
W/R Humans Shota Takao 2016 Grand Prix Minneapolis 2nd 6/1/2016
Mono-White Humans Jakub Vojta 2016 Grand Prix Manchester 5/31/2016
Abzan Company Erik Carson Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Los Angeles 5th-8th 5/22/2016
Abzan Company Sean Armstrong Modern Weekend - 2016 Grand Prix Los Angeles (GPT) 5/21/2016
Abzan Company Kurt Simmons 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - AK 5th-8th 5/20/2016
Exposed Renown itsnotmyfault 5/20/2016
Garbage itsnotmyfault 5/19/2016
Abzan CoCo Luke.H 5/19/2016
Abzan Company Russell Spangler 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - PA 5th-8th 5/19/2016
Abzan Company Manuel Quinones 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - NV 5th-8th 5/19/2016
Abzan Company Dylan Sbriglva 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - DE 3rd-4th 5/19/2016
Abzan Company Kevin Luu 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - NH 5th-8th 5/19/2016
Abzan Company Griffin Russel 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - NH 5th-8th 5/19/2016
Abzan Company Aaron Elliot 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - NH 2nd 5/19/2016
Abzan Company Matt McGraw 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - LA 5th-8th 5/18/2016
Abzan Company Craig Edwards 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - LA 5th-8th 5/18/2016
Abzan Company Jerrett Chunn 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - MS 2nd 5/18/2016
Abzan Company Kevin Curtright 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - OR 5th-8th 5/17/2016
Abzan Company Alex Gomez 2016 TCGplayer Modern State Championships - CA (S) 3rd-4th 5/17/2016
UW combo kiwibeast1 5/12/2016
Mono-White Humans Powzhaai MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 5/9-5/15 5/11/2016
Mono White Humans gyurme 5/11/2016
Mono-White Humans John Agostino 2016 Grand Prix New York 5/10/2016
G/W counters jrozier1532 5/9/2016
Mono-White Humans Korinth MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 5/2-5/8 5/6/2016
Mono-White Humans ChrRome MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 5/2-5/8 5/6/2016
W/B Humans Craig Wescoe 5/6/2016
B/W human kryss85 5/5/2016
Mono-White Humans maxxattack MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 5/2-5/8 5/4/2016
Mono-White Humans _megafone_ MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 5/2-5/8 5/4/2016
Mutation~Company`s Chords HyperNVs301 5/3/2016
Mutation~Chord HyperNVs301 5/3/2016
Melira Company anghel412 5/3/2016
Abzan Company Logan Mize 2016 SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 4/16 5/2/2016
Abzan Company Andrew Tenjum 2016 SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 4/16 5th-8th 5/2/2016
Abzan Company Andrew Maine 2016 SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 4/16 3rd-4th 5/2/2016
Abzan Company Joseph Presnell 2016 SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 4/16 1st 5/2/2016
W/U Humans Zane Mitchell 2016 Grand Prix Toronto 5/2/2016
W/U Humans Brian Liu 2016 Grand Prix Toronto 5/2/2016
Mono-White Humans Bradley Robinson 2016 Grand Prix Toronto 5th-8th 5/2/2016
GW Dandtheswang 4/30/2016

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