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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1551 - 1600 of 2587 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
EDH Zur Tewl 10/19/2011
Mono-Blue Teferi Stealth Uchiha 10/19/2011
Stasis melemma 10/18/2011
Rafiq the Manly Quarterpinte 10/18/2011
bug fun plasticshrapne 10/17/2011
Pardic bloom melan 10/15/2011
UB Control Robert Graves 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Nashville - 10/09 5th-8th 10/10/2011
Izzet Standstill ichigoku322 10/9/2011
Collection Herbster543 10/8/2011
Merieke_1.2 __Puck. 10/8/2011
Rasputin 2.0 ibojangles 10/7/2011
oona control Ermas 10/7/2011
Arcum Daggson atozero 10/6/2011
happy fun time charlestexas 10/5/2011
Oona r0b3r7 10/4/2011
Szadek Mill Engine Landstar 10/4/2011
uw stonefaeries KasumiFox 9/26/2011
Tomorrow control retrowe94 9/25/2011
Ashoogana AngelsInFlight 9/23/2011
Sliver overlord edh screamingbrain 9/19/2011
Augustin's Knights 1.9 Strider 9/18/2011
MonoU Control WeWillFall 9/15/2011
Sharuuuum deerakah 9/13/2011
Team America Gerry Thompson 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 9/11 9th-16th 9/12/2011
UW Stone-Blade Kurt Spiess 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 9/11 9th-16th 9/12/2011
RUG Ryan Rolen 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Atlanta - 9/11 5th-8th 9/12/2011
crush d4rka8isz 9/8/2011
clique 1v1 commander smellb4rain 9/3/2011
GWU commander treva WalkingHand 9/1/2011
JOkers wild WalkingHand 9/1/2011
The Deck 4 Itoitzga 8/31/2011
Jester's Vision WalkingHand 8/29/2011
Stoneblade shiwei87tan 8/29/2011
Dragon's Roar toMsonsLLC 8/27/2011
Suspend Your Dreams Goinrogue 8/24/2011
MUC riujin 8/23/2011
MUD Vendilion Commander Fertic 8/23/2011
UB Fish all4ourking 8/23/2011
Jhoira of the Swagtu VitalFroogle 8/22/2011
UW Stone-Blade Jeremy Tibbetts 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Boston - 8/21 9th-16th 8/22/2011
UW Stone-Blade Scott Hinojosa 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Boston - 8/21 9th-16th 8/22/2011
UW Stone-Blade Max Tietze 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Boston - 8/21 5th-8th 8/22/2011
UW Stone-Blade Kurt Spiess 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Boston - 8/21 2nd 8/22/2011
Thraximundar diegofsv 8/21/2011
Jace MiniLuv 8/20/2011
UB Control yuppiex 8/20/2011
Slivers riujin 8/20/2011
Szadek, Lord of Secrets Quarterpinte 8/15/2011
StoneBlade Kurt Spiess 2011 Star City Legacy Open - Richmond (8/14) 9th-16th 8/15/2011
StoneBlade Tim Pskowski 2011 Star City Legacy Open - Richmond (8/14) 2nd 8/15/2011

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