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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 351 - 400 of 2587 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Goryo's As Foretold Tom Medvec SCG Team Open Modern - Philadelphia - 07/22/2018 9th-16th 7/23/2018
W/U Miracles Matthew Brown SCG Team Open Modern - Philadelphia - 07/22/2018 9th-16th 7/23/2018
W/U Control Peter Ingram SCG Team Open Modern - Philadelphia - 07/22/2018 5th-8th 7/23/2018
Talrand, drake storm Thatjeepguy 7/21/2018
The Lich's Bane OLDBOY 7/20/2018
grixis edh thing FoolsPlays 7/20/2018
W/U Control mw_94gA MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/17/18 7/19/2018
Temur Control TSPJendrek MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/17/18 7/19/2018
Grixis Control Iwouldliketorespond MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/15/2018 17th-32nd 7/18/2018
W/U Control Peter Ingram SCG Team Open Modern - Worcester - 07/15/2018 9th-16th 7/16/2018
Shardless Sultai Redpanda1217 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/14/2018 7/16/2018
U/R Pyromancer Sir Quackington 7/15/2018
grixis edh bolas FoolsPlays 7/11/2018
Jeskai Control UnderwaterBimbo MTGO Modern Challenge 07/08/18 5th-8th 7/10/2018
W/U Control Iwouldliketorespond MTGO Modern Challenge 07/08/18 3rd-4th 7/10/2018
W/U Control Mauro Sasso Grand Prix Sao Paulo 2018 9th-16th 7/9/2018
Grixis Young Pryomancer Sir Quackington 7/5/2018
W/U Control EVILMORTY MTGO Competitive Modern League 07/03/18 7/5/2018
Jeskai Control qbturtle15 MTGO Competitive Modern League 07/03/18 7/5/2018
As Foretold Planeswalkers Sibelius1202 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 06/30/18 7/4/2018
W/U Control Thomas Mechin Grand Prix Barcelona 2018 9th-16th 7/3/2018
Uw control t1 Nico85 7/2/2018
W/U Control Pierre Dagen Grand Prix Barcelona 2018 5th-8th 7/2/2018
Jeskai Control Javier Dominguez Grand Prix Barcelona 2018 3rd-4th 7/2/2018
Jeskai Control _ILNANO_ MTGO Competitive Modern League 06/29/18 6/30/2018
Miracles Iwouldliketorespond MTGO Legacy Challenge: 06/24/2018 17th-32nd 6/28/2018
Grixis Control Deunan MTGO Competitive Modern League 06/26/18 6/27/2018
U/R Pyromancer lluck MTGO Competitive Modern League: 06/22/18 6/23/2018
Thief Deck Kro-Bar 6/21/2018
Jeskai Control Chima MTGO Competitive Modern League: 06/19/18 6/20/2018
Jeskai Control Iwouldliketorespond MTGO Competitive Modern League: 06/19/18 6/20/2018
Jodah, Superfriends Kurufal 6/18/2018
Modern Faeries mtgjared2 6/14/2018
Want List mcsaad 6/4/2018
Grixis Control ACEBEASTO MTGO Modern Challenge 5/27/18 17th-32nd 5/29/2018
faries Keverah 5/28/2018
faries Keverah 5/28/2018
faries Keverah 5/28/2018
W/U Control Benjamin Pooladian SCG Open Modern - Minneapolis - 05/27/18 17th-32nd 5/28/2018
Living End urzatheplaneswalker MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/25/18 5/26/2018
U/R Thing in the Ice -Nicolo- MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/25/18 5/26/2018
UB Faerie v2 Sethy27 5/24/2018
UB FAERIE V3 Sethy27 5/24/2018
Grixis Control Tiemuuu MTGO Modern Challenge 05/20/18 17th-32nd 5/21/2018
U/R Thing in the Ice lluck MTGO Modern Challenge 05/20/18 5th-8th 5/21/2018
UB FAERIE v3 Sethy27 5/21/2018
UB Faerie Sethy27 5/20/2018
Maelstrom Wanderer Bigc96 5/18/2018
Grixis Control Quintas12 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 05/15/18 5/15/2018

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