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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 451 - 500 of 544 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Eye of the Storm Rick Poehling 2005 Champs Nebraska 5th-8th 10/22/2005
2005 Champs - 8th Place Brian Illing 2005 Champs North Dakota 5th-8th 10/22/2005
2005 Champs - 1st Place Luke Ojala 2005 Champs Minnesota 1st 10/22/2005
2005 Champs - 6th Place Nate Siftar 2005 Champs Minnesota 5th-8th 10/22/2005
2005 Champs - 3rd Place Gary Patrick 2005 Champs Oregon 3rd-4th 10/22/2005
UG Control Noah Barnett 2005 Champs Kissimmee, FL 5th-8th 10/22/2005
R/G beats usafracer225 10/20/2005
RGw Aggro Brian Stroh 10/18/2005
R/G Aggro Brian Stroh 10/18/2005
Wildfire (2) swifty 10/17/2005
W/G/r Wildfire swifty 10/16/2005
POWERlock g/w limaaaaa 10/14/2005
Laura's Deck TRIP0D 10/13/2005
GW control infinite 10/12/2005
Aggro BUG John Fiorillo 10/12/2005
Sachi Shamans LD bigrick51 10/9/2005
Weird Heartbeat Jeffrey Stewart 10/9/2005
NEORock GrAsH 10/4/2005
Wildfire TacoMaster 10/3/2005
The Rock Ravnica Style KaervekBoo 10/2/2005
UG Grow dragonslife 10/2/2005
WG Aggro the gauntlet dude 10/2/2005
Tooth and Nail Josh Ravitz 9/18/2005
Bringers Bill Simkulet 9/18/2005
Stompy Billy Postlethwait 9/13/2005
Tooth and Nail Wilco Pinkster 2005 Nationals Utrecht, Netherlands 5th-8th 9/11/2005
MGA Rudy Meijer 2005 Nationals Utrecht, Netherlands 5th-8th 9/11/2005
MGA Bram Snepvangers 2005 Nationals Utrecht, Netherlands 5th-8th 9/11/2005
Green-black control Daichi Hirose 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Osaka, Japan 5th-8th 9/4/2005
kami power amrak 8/30/2005
G/R Wildfire TMM 8/29/2005
Three-Color Godo Scott Adamowski 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Rochester, New York 2nd 8/28/2005
Gifts Ungiven Eli Kassis 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Rochester, New York 3rd-4th 8/28/2005
Roar of the Woods Tenteikarite 8/24/2005
Tooth and Nail scottbonnieviw 8/24/2005
Elder Soilshaper Bill Simkulet 8/21/2005
Green-blue Legends Caleb Willis 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Dallas, Texas 5th-8th 8/20/2005
Gifts Ungiven Antonio Hernandez 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Indianapolis, Indiana 5th-8th 8/20/2005
Hana Kami Control Michael Tinnell 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Dallas, Texas 1st 8/20/2005
Gifts Ungiven Aaron Goldman 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Indianapolis, Indiana 2nd 8/20/2005
Wildfire wiumagic 8/15/2005
Green-red Godo William Brandt 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Springfield, Illinois 5th-8th 8/13/2005
Enduring Honden Edd Black 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Springfield, Illinois 5th-8th 8/13/2005
Rock strokeofgenius 8/9/2005
Greater Good Bill Simkulet 8/8/2005
Gifts Ungiven Robert Beverly III 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Newington, Connecticut 5th-8th 8/6/2005
Mono-Green Aggro v.2 Nick West 8/1/2005
Green-red Agro Mark Cavaco 2005 PTQ Los Angeles Waterloo, Ontario 5th-8th 7/30/2005
Sachi's Gifts moldrslug 7/26/2005
Devatating Spirits Matrix2590 7/24/2005

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