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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 919 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Delver C-UC Jace TMS 7/26/2013
Blue and Red Stuff House Dimir 7/25/2013
Izzet Aggro 2 simonmoon 7/25/2013
UR Combo Andorfine 7/24/2013
Nivix Blitz Fred Edelkamp 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 7/21 7/22/2013
my cube WIP - Blue deckstorage3 7/22/2013
Izzet Pyromancer kylemcdonald 7/21/2013
Budget Izzet Blitz Germanduck 7/20/2013
UR SnipeMancer iwearshoes 7/19/2013
Standard Storm wowhitlock 7/18/2013
Izzit a Real Deck? PVTSTASH86 7/17/2013
Ninja mac9891 7/15/2013
Dimir Mill/Aggro Crecker2 7/14/2013
Izzet Blitz yakusoku 7/12/2013
Joe Pinkly UG Delver DragonsDen 7/11/2013
Kiln Fiend Morbid28 7/9/2013
Izzet Burn Originaljkz 7/9/2013
Nivix Blitz le_fondue (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/24/13 7/8/2013
Budget Izzet Blitz coolj530 7/7/2013
Izzet Blitz Budget ArticXD 7/6/2013
Woo's Budget Izzet Blitz zionarbadon 7/6/2013
U Infect bang3bang 7/4/2013
G/U infect002 shinyblu 7/4/2013
G/U Infect shinyblu 7/4/2013
Fiendclops diginator 7/4/2013
Dimir Mill/Damage soulreaper 7/3/2013
izzet 2.0 madnessclown 7/2/2013
Izzet Blitz yagma 7/1/2013
Nivix Blitz omok23 (4-1) MTGO Standard Premier (4-1 or better) - 6/21/13 6/30/2013
White/Blue Tokens F.Scott 6/30/2013
ajdshflkjahs; d3adrav3n777 6/30/2013
Nivmagus Blitz Stories 6/28/2013
izzet Blitz d3adrav3n777 6/28/2013
Budget Izzet Blitz JakeGray87 6/27/2013
Izzet Blitz Zealot004 6/26/2013
Modern Izzet Blitz Grim Fandango 6/26/2013
Budget Izzet Aggro DepthZero 6/26/2013
blister wiered tobacco 6/25/2013
Nivix Defiance Underducky 6/23/2013
Izzet Tempo Fanaticwes 6/22/2013
Cyclops combo c14rk0 6/21/2013
Brady1 Girok 6/20/2013
Izzet Blitz Areiz 6/20/2013
Cyclops abuse SonofDemoncon 6/20/2013
Izzet Lightning Amplify91 6/19/2013
bant infect magicmikeyb 6/19/2013
M14 American Delver DethMetalGimli 6/18/2013
Izzet Blitz SenoraRaton 6/18/2013
Merica Delver TheChad120 6/18/2013
Tibalt's Tarnish turboman10 6/18/2013

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