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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 451 - 500 of 1860 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Zaalia Splinter Twin 10/7/2014
Jor Kadeen EDH Hinklemeyer 10/6/2014
Narset Control kagayakutsuki 10/1/2014
Brion Stoutarm v1 gatherto 8/30/2014
BWR Midrange Kevin Shaffer TCGplayer Open 5K Portland, OR - 8/23/2014 3rd-4th 8/26/2014
RW aggro dkay182 8/26/2014
Rith EDH price check jfbastien018 8/8/2014
Cube073114 Stroodle 7/31/2014
Naya Midrange Kyle Peters 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Kansas City - 7/26 9th-16th 7/31/2014
Zurgo Voltron WriterofWrong 7/31/2014
Zurgo, the Hemlsmasher Gamaral 7/28/2014
tradessss caboose249 7/26/2014
Show and Tell brunofuhro 7/23/2014
Cube Splinter Twin 7/23/2014
Test01 Stroodle 7/23/2014
Boros Devotion PunkKnuckles 7/22/2014
Pluvian Kaalia Muraatt 7/20/2014
5 color yissan darkelfaramil 7/20/2014
Angels, Demons n Dragons Miles123 7/20/2014
Gisela Splinter Twin 7/14/2014
UWR Angels Dragosi 7/7/2014
Naya Midrange Ricky Life 7/7/2014
Kaalia Dragosi 7/6/2014
Boros Battle Angels MrTwist82 7/4/2014
Boros Midrange TradeWind. (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/23/14 6/27/2014
mayael Dragosi 6/27/2014
Boros Midrange TradeWind. (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/16/14 6/25/2014
Ruhan Smash combatoptimus 6/19/2014
Naya Midrange James Bush TCGplayer Open 5K Madison, WI - 6/14/2014 5th-8th 6/16/2014
Kaalia EDH Bluemage2 6/10/2014
BDW VandalX187 6/1/2014
Kaali ishrioro 5/30/2014
Boros Battalion bender624 5/30/2014
UWR Control AzrithEH 5/25/2014
american midrange itzpestilence 5/24/2014
Anthrax and Cyanide AngelOfElysium 5/21/2014
Kaalia's Revenge raziellok79 5/21/2014
Ready, Aim . . . NAYA! Puresteel 5/19/2014
Naya Less Fun stuff Vispilia 5/16/2014
Naya FunStuff Vispilia 5/16/2014
Boros Midrange RandomHero 5/15/2014
rwb LucasDReeves 5/12/2014
Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer alucardou 5/11/2014
Big Boros Blitz -Swill- 5/10/2014
Aurelia EDH Atromere 5/9/2014
Gahiji rajicon 5/2/2014
Boros Legion kor6sic6 5/1/2014
Awakened Masses deltraeus 4/30/2014
Rith Token spawn nrazor97 4/29/2014
White Wheenie Splash RB Vynkasmyn 4/28/2014

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