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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2301 - 2350 of 3812 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Bushwhacker Landfall dRr0x0rZZ 5/11/2010
RW Defender/Control pyromaniak 5/11/2010
RG LandDestro magician12 5/11/2010
agro Elves katsuhiro 5/10/2010
american walls updated soohoo 5/10/2010
Grixis control elementalheroflamewingman 5/9/2010
Sacrificial Shennanigans Mesmerizer101 5/9/2010
Wallball (updated) Stringdaddy27 5/8/2010
RB combo-pls help Krobos 5/8/2010
my grixis ((plz comment)) the dustin 5/8/2010
my 5-0 fnm the dustin 5/8/2010
Wallball Stringdaddy27 5/7/2010
Ifinite Untap Ryoichi 5/7/2010
control keith78 5/7/2010
RDW (help please) thezrc 5/6/2010
Infinite Untap th3ninjasnwman 5/6/2010
Homura EDH xxpostpaintboyxx 5/5/2010
Kiln Firewalker sketchcornwell 5/5/2010
RBW rebound spideyxrj 5/5/2010
Unlim. Artifacts of Ruin xiller09 5/4/2010
Platinum Fortune ottosmagic13 5/4/2010
Elves ROE chardrok 5/4/2010
Agadeem Wins anthelios 5/3/2010
discard-o namegoeshere 5/3/2010
Elf (or something) help! Sinders 5/2/2010
grixis polydrazi serendibefreet 5/2/2010
UR Control update Jamert1 5/2/2010
U Artifact Control xiller09 5/1/2010
W/R Defender... Comment? KayJay2011 5/1/2010
3rd at fnm Leviticus43 5/1/2010
Red Aggro Lilpwny 5/1/2010
RW Baatezu 5/1/2010
U/R Control (thoughts?) Jamert1 5/1/2010
Valakut Por 5/1/2010
sphinx-bone wand!? spazboy474 4/30/2010
the walls of gideon help? spazboy474 4/30/2010
Goblin Yeah! gnilleps 4/29/2010
Sieve Omelet Wins gdspsp 4/29/2010
WBR Bond (Ideas?) Fate Stitcher 4/29/2010
u/r control mtgdoggett 4/29/2010
BWR Bond EntropicMelody 4/28/2010
W/R FlamingWall Bakuno 4/28/2010
Training Grounds Limitedmoon06 4/27/2010
Red White Control e_mayes 4/27/2010
Boros Defenders smitty22 4/27/2010
0/1 sam345 4/26/2010
Infinite anthonyt681 4/26/2010
Burn/Control (Help Plz??) Jailhouse313 4/26/2010
hellion spawnplesecomment Leviticus43 4/25/2010
Boros Falkor 4/25/2010

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