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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2651 - 2700 of 3057 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Esper Control Thomas Graves 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 5/31 9th-16th 6/3/2014
Boros Burn Brennan McAleor 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 5/31 9th-16th 6/3/2014
Orzhov Aggro Natahlia Zaring 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 5/31 9th-16th 6/3/2014
BW Devotion Shinya Saito God of Standard 5th-8th 6/3/2014
Boros Burn Shouta Yasooka God of Standard 2nd 6/3/2014
Esper Control Kihara Atsuki God of Standard 1st 6/3/2014
Enchantments? cgreenmagic 6/1/2014
bw humans chillpill9623 6/1/2014
BDW VandalX187 6/1/2014
Junk Constellaiton Price wheeleros 6/1/2014
GW sets auras mac9891 6/1/2014
B/W Disrupt Adrionus 6/1/2014
BW Midrange obeythepoof 5/31/2014
Junk constellation rocket6608 5/31/2014
GW enchants mac9891 5/30/2014
FNM (2014/05/30) - 1st DemonicSei 5/30/2014
Junk Enchantments bart489201 5/30/2014
Orzhov Control Charlie Rinehart 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 5/24 1st 5/30/2014
Esper Control Louise Callanta 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 5/24 3rd-4th 5/30/2014
American Control Jake Gans 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 5/24 5th-8th 5/30/2014
Boros Burn Erin Diaz 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 5/24 5th-8th 5/30/2014
American Control Trevor Humphries 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 5/24 9th-16th 5/30/2014
Selesnya Aggro Andrew Boswell 2014 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 5/24 9th-16th 5/30/2014
G/W AGG sjgreybar 5/29/2014
W/B Humans sjgreybar 5/29/2014
Orzhov Control EricJ52 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/26/14 5/29/2014
Naya Midrange zigzig (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 5/28/2014
Naya control thoughts? jduff 5/28/2014
Junk Aristocrats drknox5 5/28/2014
BWR Control GimmePizzaSlow 5/28/2014
Disciple Esper aalistor 5/28/2014
GW Constellation bender624 5/27/2014
Naya Superfriends Distractor08 5/27/2014
Chro-Bant-icore g8rmwr 5/27/2014
Derevi, Empyrial Tactici cj654 5/27/2014
Devotion to Durdle Atrum1 5/27/2014
Orzhov Stallout RandomHero 5/27/2014
Bant Walkers I selith69 5/27/2014
JOU Bant Tapout aalistor 5/27/2014
Junk Constellation Jon Goss 5/27/2014
Azorius Aggro Crash_CZ (3-1) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 5/27/2014
GW Auras williami1986 (3-1) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 5/27/2014
Boros Auras doverlax46 5/27/2014
American Control zako44 (3-1) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 5/27/2014
Bant Superfriends UglyCat (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 5/27/2014
Boros Control manwithplane251 (3-1) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 5/27/2014
Naya Aggro adr31212 5/27/2014
Naya Superfriends Bcane (3-1) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/19/14 5/27/2014
dega control 1justizn 5/26/2014
Junk Constellation ToelessWonder 5/26/2014

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