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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1851 - 1900 of 5327 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Jeskai Midrange anghel412 4/20/2015
Jeskai2 gbnubcake 4/19/2015
r/w aggro wilrow87 4/17/2015
Jeskai tempo JAmes72899 4/15/2015
Naya Tokens OMGaveon 4/15/2015
Boros Dragons 2 prestow 4/15/2015
Naya Superfriends Tyler Blum Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir 4/15/2015
Jeskai Tokens Eric Froehlich Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir 4/15/2015
Jeskai Tokens Peter Semenov Pro Tour Dragons of Tarkir 4/15/2015
Naya Aggro DTK surgeslayer 4/14/2015
Jeskai Control DTK surgeslayer 4/14/2015
R/W AVL 4/14/2015
Jeskai Tokens Morgan Clark MaxPoint Silver - The Illuminaudi - 4/12/15 5th-8th 4/14/2015
Mardu Dragons Pete Ferris MaxPoint Silver - The Illuminaudi - 4/12/15 3rd-4th 4/14/2015
Jeskai Tokens Travis Goff MaxPoint Silver - The Illuminaudi - 4/12/15 2nd 4/14/2015
Dragon Allstars ZtheG 4/13/2015
Pumping the DADDYDICK! MarryJewWanna 4/12/2015
Zurg-oh! NRGBlast 4/12/2015
Jeskai Tokens Jackson Baum TCGplayer Open 5K Orlando, FL - 4/11/2015 5th-8th 4/12/2015
Jeskai Tempo Anthony Armenio TCGplayer Open 5K Orlando, FL - 4/11/2015 5th-8th 4/12/2015
Jeskai Tokens Gonzalo Velasquez TCGplayer Open 5K Orlando, FL - 4/11/2015 5th-8th 4/12/2015
Meep Surfer7787 4/10/2015
Boros Dragons prestow 4/10/2015
Naya Dragons Craig Wescoe 4/10/2015
RW Tokens Craig Wescoe 4/10/2015
Mardu Control 2 electedrobocop 4/9/2015
Jeskai CTRL v4 CoryVermillion 4/9/2015
RW tokens thelerman 4/8/2015
Jeskai Tokens Todd Anderson 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Syracuse - 4/4 9th-16th 4/8/2015
Jeskai Burn Stein7420 4/8/2015
Mard Dragons Hyeda 4/8/2015
Mardu Warriors mahalajr2000 4/7/2015
planeswalker xwiggidywackx 4/7/2015
RWb prestow 4/6/2015
RWu prestow 4/6/2015
jeskai dragons SteelSnake 4/5/2015
jeskai coryw010 4/5/2015
DTK-STD Jeskai Tokens Khelok 4/5/2015
DTK-STD Jeskai Heroic Khelok 4/5/2015
Jaskai Tempo ekim125 4/4/2015
Jeskai Dragons gbnubcake 4/2/2015
Jeskai Tempo Dafore (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/23/15 4/1/2015
RW Midrange _Shatun_ (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/23/15 4/1/2015
RW Midrange Chugun (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/23/15 4/1/2015
Jeskai Tokens Ogre (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/23/15 4/1/2015
Mardu Midrange uyn516 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/23/15 4/1/2015
Mardu Midrange Counterthis (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/23/15 4/1/2015
Mardu Midrange Carter Steichen MaxPoint Gold - Phantasy Hobbies - 3/29/15 5th-8th 3/31/2015
Jeskai Tempo thewhiterabbit (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/23/15 3/31/2015
Jeskai Tokens PabuBoy (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/23/15 3/31/2015

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