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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 401 - 450 of 613 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
White-Black Control Daniel Ward 2016 Grand Prix New York 5th-8th 5/9/2016
White-Black Control Seth Manfield 2016 Grand Prix New York 1st 5/9/2016
Jund Seasons Control arendal 5/7/2016
Traverse CHA! 5/6/2016
Sultai Midrange mothkebab 5/5/2016
Mono-Black Eldrazi ferrum0728 MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 5/2-5/8 5/4/2016
Sultai Mid jrozier1532 5/3/2016
BUG midrange jrozier1532 5/3/2016
Traversing the Frog Conley Woods 5/3/2016
Grixis Control Corey Burkhardt 2016 Grand Prix Toronto 5/2/2016
W/B Control Josh Buitenhuis 2016 Grand Prix Toronto 5th-8th 5/2/2016
Rock Toolbox v2 sir coleridge 4/30/2016
B/W Control 1.1 Schlabbes 4/30/2016
FNM (2016/04/29) - 1st DemonicSei 4/29/2016
GB Seasons Control arendal 4/29/2016
Esper Control Midguy MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 4/18-4/24 4/27/2016
Esper Control yougottoldfarb MTGO Standard PTQ: 4/23 4/27/2016
Gitrog Goggles Conley Woods 4/26/2016
W/B Control zarbo MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 4/18-4/24 4/25/2016
B/R Midrange Big_Game_Hunter MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 4/18-4/24 4/25/2016
B/R Midrange Adam Jansen Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad 4/24/2016
B/R Control Gregory Orange Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad 4/24/2016
Sultai Midrange Grzegorz Kowalski Pro Tour Shadows over Innistrad 9th-16th 4/24/2016
Mono Black Zermbehs teast 4/23/2016
FNM (2016/04/22) - 1st DemonicSei 4/23/2016
Delirious Dani ehelps 4/22/2016
B/G Delirium THEHUNTDOG101 4/21/2016
Abzan Monsters SWINGFORLETHAL 4/21/2016
Golgari Delirium John Taylor 4/20/2016
UB control SOI inakiken 4/20/2016
W/B Control Matt Hoey 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 4/16 4/19/2016
W/B Eldrazi Josh Kline 2016 SCG Open Standard - Columbus - 4/16 9th-16th 4/19/2016
B/W Control Schlabbes 4/19/2016
$50 Ayli Befuddlement 4/18/2016
ZZombieZZ estuey 4/17/2016
remorseless control nanojo 4/16/2016
SOI Rock sir coleridge 4/16/2016
RB Mindrage test mgvmmv 4/15/2016
BR DELIRIUM lnazario 4/14/2016
reanimator mzillar 4/13/2016
Vampire Liberation Front soullesskilla 4/13/2016
B/G Toolbox (SGC Invi) tyty6293 4/13/2016
Rock toolbox sir coleridge 4/13/2016
BR Discard jrozier1532 4/13/2016
Golgari Midrange Conley Woods 4/12/2016
Zombie Control tyty6293 4/11/2016
W/B Eldrazi Travis Perlee 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 4/9 4/11/2016
W/B Eldrazi Mark Constantini 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 4/9 4/11/2016
W/B Eldrazi Evan Buchholz 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 4/9 4/11/2016
Jund Company Nathan Dougherty 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Baltimore - 4/9 4/11/2016

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