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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1651 - 1700 of 3261 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Rubinia EDH Tex Huntingdon 7/17/2012
Zedruu Just 4 Color viashino 7/16/2012
High Tide Feline Longmore 2012 StarCity Open Legacy - Seattle - 7/1 9th-16th 7/16/2012
UW lazy Hanna deck Deafbeats 7/15/2012
MUC hiesman 7/15/2012
Draw 'till you drop Hazmatt21 7/14/2012
mine zaza 7/14/2012
Ambassador Mill Deck pizzamanopenup 7/14/2012
Rasputin1 wojtek1989 7/13/2012
Roar Control M13 devan09 7/13/2012
GAA IV French Banned List TacoMaster 7/13/2012
Budget Draw-Go Gurei 7/13/2012
Niv-Mizzet Gripandsip 7/12/2012
Angus Mackenzie solsticesungod 7/12/2012
Battle of Wits andre.corbin 7/11/2012
high tide ULTIxRARE 7/11/2012
Bantle of Wits swordman554 7/11/2012
UR Combo RustyBanana 7/10/2012
uw trinket mage enovyt 7/10/2012
battle of wits yondersvetch 7/10/2012
Esper Miracle Friends themagicman71 7/10/2012
UB Control j1234jesse 7/9/2012
All my cards novais 7/9/2012
X-Arc Jimhawk 7/9/2012
UB Control - Akira - 7/9/2012
Battle Jasonoro 7/9/2012
U/W Miracle Control themagicman71 7/9/2012
Jhoira Brings the D Shaun8 7/8/2012
battle of wills roxismcha 7/7/2012
turbo frog majicdolphin 7/6/2012
Turbo Fog Mill BDog7759 7/6/2012
Niv-Mizzet EDH FireSpore 7/4/2012
UW Miracle Control xPUNskis 7/4/2012
mono blue mill ULTIxRARE 7/4/2012
Esper Tokens DevourerJay 7/3/2012
Shroom! DevourerJay 7/3/2012
Sparkler! DevourerJay 7/3/2012
Battle of Wits- STANDARD RustyBanana 7/3/2012
Black Tea WonderBoy1020 6/30/2012
UW Drogskol roadizzle 6/30/2012
Treva Pathfinder westers209 6/30/2012
discard mill Funkboy111 6/29/2012
UB Control pedrocristiano (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/18/12 6/29/2012
Witts LOL NecroShexual 6/29/2012
UW Control Gainsay (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/18/12 6/27/2012
UW Control mikev1919 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/18/12 6/27/2012
UW Control Gainsay (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/18/12 6/27/2012
UW Superfriends Mike Hahn Standard Platinum TCQ - Roswell, GA - 6/24/12 3rd-4th 6/26/2012
UW Superfriends Bas Melis Wold Magic Cup Qualifier - Den Haag - 5/27/12 5th-8th 6/26/2012
UW Superfriends Wytse de Jong Wold Magic Cup Qualifier - Den Haag - 5/27/12 5th-8th 6/26/2012

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