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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 3201 - 3250 of 3261 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Esper control 2.0 Karma 2/8/2011
usa control klikyklik 2/7/2011
Myr Beatdown oddioguy45 2/7/2011
mono U control (MUC) bedo54 2/7/2011
u/b tezifacts comment dq911 2/6/2011
Myr Geyser IWannaBTractor 2/6/2011
Blue Zen Doom (plz coment zerog6978 2/6/2011
GBludrazi justinlicious 2/6/2011
U/B infect livestar 2/6/2011
MILLionaire YungJ93 2/6/2011
B/U Artifacts robynxyamada 2/5/2011
UW Zenith Prevenge 2/5/2011
UB Control sh1nra 2/4/2011
UW MBS Control Adam Koska 2/4/2011
Mill to Nill a.t.r. 2/4/2011
Its MyrDyr Sinders 2/4/2011
lol. Hostilepinata 2/3/2011
u/b infect control livestar 2/3/2011
Outdrawn RNH 2/3/2011
Top 4 Finsher Comments THUNDERGOD 2/3/2011
UB Control MBS Nick Spagnolo 2/3/2011
ub tezzeret chrisestes859 2/3/2011
U/B Mill Test RazeEmAll 2/2/2011
Infitinite Mana Zenith smenghi 2/2/2011
RUG Control Brasi Magic League - 1/30/2011 5th-8th 2/2/2011
UW Draw Go channelblaze 2/1/2011
ub machine bobbydale87 2/1/2011
BUG beseiged okstcowboy14 2/1/2011
Blightsteel for the win Duffman101a 2/1/2011
Ub Tap Out - MB legal SeVi 2/1/2011
shaping you out TW1ST3D 1/31/2011
Welder Wrking (Help Plz) newbietech 1/31/2011
Darkened UB control okstcowboy14 1/30/2011
Berit - Queen of Control Soviet_Green 1/30/2011
artifact control v2 cmnt dq911 1/30/2011
ExPiliArchitecht GoodJobDino 1/30/2011
U control, comment dq911 1/30/2011
Artifact Control MythicFail 1/30/2011
shape anew v3 fireblade1357 1/29/2011
blue black control ar211195 1/29/2011
infect/proliferate Sotes 1/29/2011
U/B tezz aggro/control e1celica 1/28/2011
UB Control MBS TacoMaster 1/28/2011
esper anew fireblade1357 1/27/2011
Nonstop Spine v2 ranma112004 1/27/2011
U/B Tezz Control Landstar 1/26/2011
Shaping Steel croisvoix 1/26/2011
UB Control - Beseiged thegreatorange 1/25/2011
MBS U/G/w Infect Theory RazeEmAll 1/25/2011
Tezzeret Control Petesy99 1/25/2011

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