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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1101 - 1150 of 1340 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
RDW David Monteiro 2009-01-10 1000k Standard Open Mtgstorage 5th-8th 1/18/2009
Blightning Aggro Nuno Costa 2009-01-10 1000k Standard Open Mtgstorage 2nd 1/18/2009
Blightning Aggro Pedro Pereira 2009-01-10 1000k Standard Open Mtgstorage 1st 1/18/2009
RG Heroscape W4ngatang 1/16/2009
Fast and Furious stubone77 1/16/2009
Gobelf Warriors stubone77 1/9/2009
1st Place Shawn Selby 2009 FNM Gnome Games - 01/02 1/5/2009
MGA Warriors minion_of_gleemax 12/22/2008
R/G Agro minion_of_gleemax 12/19/2008
Blightning! va_ichijouji 12/18/2008
Doran Deuce crovax1 12/16/2008
Nature 2 mexes5 12/16/2008
Nature.. mexes5 12/15/2008
RB aggro/control Vexbane 12/14/2008
Blightning Aggro powerslave1123 12/7/2008
R/B Necroskitter Aggro JonathonDurst 12/6/2008
Mono Red Joseph A Luciany 2008 State Champs - Pennsylvania 3rd-4th 12/5/2008
Mugabe Richard Parker 2008 State Champs - UK, Coventry 1st 12/3/2008
little blightning psientologist 12/2/2008
Warriors Fader17 12/2/2008
Naya Burns v2 TheMenace 12/1/2008
Sproutning AiP Hysteria 11/25/2008
Realm Razor Ramp GoblinToken 11/25/2008
RDW Luiz Thiberio Rangel 2008 State Champs - Paraiba 2nd 11/22/2008
Aggro Red Cory Eisenhard 2008 State Champs - Maryland 2nd 11/22/2008
No Blightning Daniel Eldrigde 2008 State Champs - Mississippi 3rd-4th 11/22/2008
Red Hell David Santos 2008 State Champs - Rhode Island 3rd-4th 11/22/2008
Beacon Red Nicholas Leblanc 2008 State Champs - Quebec 3rd-4th 11/22/2008
Mono Red Sean McNally 2008 UK Champs - London 3rd-4th 11/19/2008
Mono Red Russ Davis 2008 UK Champs - London 3rd-4th 11/19/2008
Naya Aggro b3nh34th 11/17/2008
Red deck discards Gunvalkyrie 11/16/2008
RB Discardy~ Gunvalkyrie 11/15/2008
Vengeant Red Mitchell Campbell 2008 State Champs - New Brunswick 1st 11/14/2008
5th - 8th Jason Clark 2008 State Champs - Delaware 5th-8th 11/13/2008
5th - 8th Sam Rudin 2008 State Champs - Delaware 5th-8th 11/13/2008
5th - 8th Paul Gallagher 2008 State Champs - Colorado 5th-8th 11/13/2008
5th - 8th Carl Hanson 2008 State Champs - Arkansas 5th-8th 11/13/2008
1st Place Dan Pantoja 2008 State Champs - Nebraska 1st 11/13/2008
1st Place Thomas Cleberg 2008 State Champs - South Dakota 1st 11/13/2008
5th - 8th Terry Boren 2008 State Champs - Alaska 5th-8th 11/13/2008
5th - 8th John Cunningham 2008 State Champs - Alaska 5th-8th 11/13/2008
3rd - 4th Carri Tirrell 2008 State Champs - Alaska 3rd-4th 11/13/2008
5th - 8th William Ellis 2008 State Champs - Alabama 5th-8th 11/13/2008
5th - 8th Richard Shanlever 2008 State Champs - Alabama 5th-8th 11/13/2008
5th - 8th Cody Behling 2008 State Champs - North Dakota 5th-8th 11/13/2008
3rd - 4th Brian Schneider 2008 State Champs - Virginia 3rd-4th 11/13/2008
Mono Red Jacob Shapiro 2008 State Champs - Ohio 5th-8th 11/12/2008
Mono Red Nathan Bramlett 2008 State Champs - Ohio 3rd-4th 11/12/2008
RgDW Marlon Jennings 2008 State Champs - Tennessee 5th-8th 11/12/2008

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