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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1101 - 1150 of 1614 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UG flash v2 legomitch02 1/11/2014
BUG Midrange Dunharrow 1/11/2014
Mono Green aggro v4.0 eastwickidwhiz 1/10/2014
Golgari - Corpse stahlsc 1/10/2014
Bant Flash fistofanger 1/9/2014
Selesnya Aggro Lulz MTGO Standard Premier - 6488876 - 12/30/13 1st 1/9/2014
Selesnya Aggro im2g00t4ubarn MTGO Standard Premier - 6488857 - 12/30/13 5th-8th 1/9/2014
Selesnya Aggro LovableLoser MTGO Standard Premier - 6488839 - 12/29/13 2nd 1/9/2014
golgari, wife paulthebox 1/8/2014
GR Monter Devotion spawn1560 1/8/2014
GB MidAgg matthew31599 1/8/2014
G/W billybobjones 1/8/2014
Selesnya Aggro Lulz MTGO Standard Premier - 6488820 - 12/28/13 3rd-4th 1/8/2014
UG Devotion Teh Original Forker MTGO Standard Premier - 6488802 - 12/28/13 5th-8th 1/8/2014
Golgari Midrange normajean (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/23/13 1/8/2014
Selesnya Aggro The_Beast_44 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/23/13 1/8/2014
Selesnya Aggro ziguyan (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/23/13 1/8/2014
mono-green RockHound 1/8/2014
G/W Aggro (Shrout) distanthamster 1/7/2014
pull the RUG crovaxcurse 1/7/2014
Gruul Midrange Brian Braun-Duin 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 1/4 3rd-4th 1/6/2014
Gruul Midrange Dan Cato 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 1/4 3rd-4th 1/6/2014
Selesnya Aggro Andrew Shrout 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 1/4 2nd 1/6/2014
Gw aggro cade34 1/5/2014
heroic Kinofthestars 1/5/2014
Selesnya Aggro rodr3 1/5/2014
BUG Aggro pixiemelvin88 1/5/2014
ramp localhobo 1/4/2014
Naya Midrange Urhiel 1/4/2014
mono green mateo kovacic 1/4/2014
Selesnya Aggro Jesse Perkins MaxPoint Platinum - Gamer Heaven - 12/28/13 3rd-4th 1/3/2014
Gruul Aggro michaelapollo 1/3/2014
Monogreen Devotion Nehemiah Vincent MaxPoint Silver - Know Dice - 12/28/13 3rd-4th 1/2/2014
Selesnya Aggro Tj Martel MaxPoint Silver - Know Dice - 12/28/13 2nd 1/2/2014
GW Hexproof amalesev 1/2/2014
selsnya aggro Kinofthestars 1/1/2014
Mean Green Alchoholic MTG 12/30/2013
Simic Aggro Cyrus Swart 12/30/2013
BUG Flash bh13 12/30/2013
Selesnya Aggro Lulz MTGO Standard Premier - 6488674 - 12/23/13 3rd-4th 12/30/2013
Selesnya Aggro skyhigh2004 MTGO Standard Premier - 6488637 - 12/22/13 9th-16th 12/30/2013
Selesnya Aggro Lulz MTGO Standard Premier - 6488637 - 12/22/13 9th-16th 12/30/2013
Monogreen Devotion Gunslinger44 MTGO Standard Premier - 6488637 - 12/22/13 5th-8th 12/30/2013
Selesnya Aggro Lulz MTGO Standard Premier - 6488618 - 12/20/13 1st 12/30/2013
RUG Midrange Matthew Ory 12/30/2013
Green Devotion Ood 12/29/2013
Selesnya Aggro FCCologne (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/16/13 12/27/2013
Selesnya Aggro The_Beast_44 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/16/13 12/27/2013
UG Flash _Batutinha_ (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 12/9/13 12/27/2013
GW Tokens (Competitive) EroticCrum 12/27/2013

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