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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 651 - 700 of 3196 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Arjun's Wheel in the Sky Calnaer 11/18/2015
Mizzix Test JaredTrack 11/14/2015
UR Chaos Dragosi 11/9/2015
Frank Chain Voltron orange242424 11/9/2015
ScapeShift Ver.2 Keiichy 11/4/2015
Mizzix Control WriterofWrong 11/4/2015
Nate's Mizzix 1v1 WriterofWrong 11/4/2015
Nate's Multi-Mizzix Storm WriterofWrong 11/4/2015
Walkers Tiny Leaders Baldwin 11/4/2015
treasure Hunt dogigy 11/2/2015
Jhoira Gonna Ghitu raziellok79 10/28/2015
Animar pod orange242424 10/22/2015
frank Volcontrol orange242424 10/18/2015
Splinter Twin huggins 2015 Magic Online PTQ - 9/19 9th-16th 10/2/2015
ScapeShift Keiichy 9/6/2015
Grixis Control Swplyr 9/6/2015
Scapeshift inosta (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 8/10/15 9/2/2015
Seeing Double EDH Jelani 8/28/2015
Narset Lock d3@th 8/26/2015
Temur Grudge swagon 8/17/2015
Gee WHiz swagon 8/16/2015
Nekusar2 Micate 8/15/2015
Grixis Twin Rudy Briksza 7/28/2015
Jeskai Twin Eric Craighead 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Richmond - 7/26 5th-8th 7/27/2015
TSS Keiichy 7/23/2015
u/r draw seven budman13 7/21/2015
Grixis Twin Mitchell Forst 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Chicago - 7/19 9th-16th 7/20/2015
Grixis Delve lsv (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/29/15 7/13/2015
Blue moon 2 Andrew5daniels 6/24/2015
Riku of Two Reflections ctaylor33 6/22/2015
adgaerh BoBisAWESOME 6/22/2015
Blue moon Andrew5daniels 6/20/2015
Jeskai Twin MrKurosaki (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 6/1/15 6/18/2015
Grixis Twin m41 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/18/15 6/16/2015
fafwegasd BoBisAWESOME 6/12/2015
Grixis Twin Rudy Briksza 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Columbus - 6/6 2nd 6/11/2015
Sedris EDH Moonlink47 6/7/2015
mishra TheRealPeaches 5/19/2015
Grixis Control Dan Jessup 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 5/17 3rd-4th 5/19/2015
Splinter Twin BetterCallPaul (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/27/15 5/15/2015
Scapeshift Madhatted (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/27/15 5/15/2015
Scapeshift hacienda (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/20/15 5/12/2015
Nekusar Edh arcticfox2012 5/10/2015
Izzet basilisk elementalheroflamewingman 5/7/2015
UR control idontkonow 5/1/2015
Grixis Twin Kevin Jones 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Cleveland - 4/26 3rd-4th 4/27/2015
Pyromancer Ascension Adam Yurchick 2015 Pro Tour Amsterdam 4/22/2015
Scapeshift Alexandrino (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/30/15 4/15/2015
Splinter Twin Ezra Carr 2015 Modern State Championships - Delaware 5th-8th 4/15/2015
Grixis Twin Michael Baller 2015 Modern State Championships - Virginia 2nd 4/13/2015

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