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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 251 - 300 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Dragonlord ojutai (Commander) Thebloodyhound 7/23/2019
5 Color Muldrotha Elementals MenyKanzaki 7/22/2019
W/U Control Ted Felicetti SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 7/21/2019 17th-32nd 7/22/2019
W/U Control Shaheen Soorani SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 7/21/2019 1st 7/22/2019
Alternative Oloro Commander golgariassassin666 7/19/2019
Oloro Commander golgariassassin666 7/18/2019
Commander cube Zen Ho 7/17/2019
Tuvasa the Sunlit KingLonsur 7/16/2019
W/U Control Adam Cohen SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 07/14/2019 5th-8th 7/15/2019
lmao putangina 7/14/2019
Zedruu Brandon the Bard 7/14/2019
Mu/white control SebastianSnek 7/14/2019
Snow control Storm 7/13/2019
UW Control Kvo 7/12/2019
Jeskai Midrange | v1 neskau 7/9/2019
W/U Control Anthony Petropoulos MagicFest Dallas 2019 3rd-4th 7/9/2019
W/U Control Austin Bursavich MagicFest Dallas 2019 1st 7/9/2019
Tuvasa Enchantress Nosferty 7/3/2019
AZORIUS MIDRANGE | MODERN V3.0 neskau 7/2/2019
W/U Control Paul Moon SCG Team Open Modern - Pittsburgh - 6/30/2019 9th-16th 7/1/2019
Jeskai Flash Joshua Wright SCG Team Open Modern - Pittsburgh - 6/30/2019 17th-32nd 7/1/2019
Esper Control Sean Mogelgaard SCG Classic Modern - Pittsburgh - 06/30/2019 2nd 7/1/2019
W/U Control Luke Christensen SCG Team Open Modern - Pittsburgh - 6/30/2019 17th-32nd 7/1/2019
Puerto Rico Modern Championship: 5th-8th - Jorge Muñiz - UW Control ISD Gaming 6/30/2019
Puerto Rico Modern Championship: 3rd - 4th - Omar Marrero - UW Control ISD Gaming 6/30/2019
Puerto Rico Modern Championship: 3rd-4th - Luis Collado - UW Control ISD Gaming 6/30/2019
zudruu OttoBot 6/29/2019
UWR Mid 1K v2 neskau 6/29/2019
Azorius Midrange | Modern v2.0 neskau 6/25/2019
Zur 2 whodatcollins 6/22/2019
Azorius Superfriends kooba3 6/22/2019
UW Control Thonker 6/15/2019
Azorius Midrange | Modern v1.0 neskau 6/15/2019
Geist of Saint Traft KingLonsur 6/13/2019
W/U Control SoulStrong 6/12/2019
W/U Control kiteon MTGO Modern MCQ 6/2/2019 9th-16th 6/9/2019
W/U Control Do0mSwitch MTGO Modern MCQ 6/2/2019 9th-16th 6/9/2019
W/U Control SoulStrong MTGO Modern MCQ 6/2/2019 5th-8th 6/9/2019
W/U Control Nick Moore SCG Invitational Modern 2019 9th-16th 6/9/2019
UW Phantasmal Titan v4 neskau 6/9/2019
Jeskai Crack the Earth Meryn 6/7/2019
Control cow1337killr 6/6/2019
UW Modern whodatcollins 6/6/2019
UWR GraveBurn jetlagbr 6/4/2019
W/U Control Znapcaster MTGO Modern MCQ 5/27/2019 9th-16th 6/3/2019
W/U Control O551 MTGO Modern MCQ 5/27/2019 5th-8th 6/3/2019
W/U Control TSPJendrek MTGO Modern MCQ 5/27/2019 3rd-4th 6/3/2019
W/U Control katoriarch123 MTGO Modern MCQ 5/27/2019 1st 6/3/2019
UWR Mid 1K neskau 6/2/2019
UW Phantasmal Titan v3 neskau 5/29/2019

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