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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 50 of 55 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Cephalids Ashbash155 4/15/2024
Xyris, the Writhing Storm | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 5/18/2023
Xyris, the Writhing Storm | CQ Early CQ Early Access 5/17/2023
Unctus, Grand Metatect | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 2/2/2023
Unctus, Grand Metatect | CQ Early CQ Early Access 2/1/2023
blue flying walls tolucalakes 7/30/2022
WHITE BLUE GREEN rspann 3/30/2022
Garth One-Eye | The Commander's Quarters The Commander's Quarters 8/30/2021
Garth One-Eye | CQ Early CQ Early Access 8/30/2021
budget Tetsuko Umezawa this is awkward 5/5/2020
Nekusar Casual Zombiem00se 4/2/2020
AzoriUS Freshnanny5 2/25/2019
Nekusar, Draw to Die Reigning Gamer 1/23/2019
New ninjas Cubone 5/6/2018
Ninja Cubone 4/21/2018
Grave Danger DJ Johnson 2/13/2018
Falkenrath Stairwell Bruce Richard 2/9/2018
Tombstone of Riches Bruce Richard 10/3/2017
Blue-Black Insects Bruce Richard 4/11/2017
Stuff BudgetDecks 11/15/2014
Draw down casyoual 9/29/2014
Blu e/black soru 7/10/2013
Eugene's Control Center KowKow 1/27/2013
Ceph Kilos_Ataraxia 9/20/2012
Caphalid Grim Purplesuits 9/15/2012
Aboshan PaladinJohn 7/1/2012
Tomorrow Azami's EDH Drakestormstar 6/21/2012
Plagiarized Unjust 6/14/2012
Gwafa Hazid EDH remfan1988 4/14/2012
Skeleton Ship - EDH B-Rad 4/14/2012
Trounce-O-Matic Arachobia 4/10/2012
Pumped Up Polosatij 12/1/2011
Deck Commander Cephalid Jaycko1er 11/11/2011
Deck Commander Kickass Jaycko1er 11/6/2011
maggie Gangrene 10/3/2011
Black'n'Blue-Discard koordinator 8/31/2011
Just Draw Blaz3x86 4/28/2011
NYHN tekbunny 1/27/2011
Lord Mill MikeMoose 7/19/2010
UB Discard Chimaera 5/23/2010
My blue deck jhrocker 4/8/2010
edh-release the kraken! bmac1815 3/13/2010
Old School MUC DrDRum 11/30/2009
Z.Karamoff's PMC list muppetpastor 7/14/2009
UB Token Opposition ForlornEgoist 4/12/2008
U/B Discard Mike Farcasin 6/17/2005
U/G Madness Gerard Fabiano Pro Tour Osaka, Japan 5/23/2005
Lockdown ixidor7 5/1/2005
Stasis Chaos firelord666 4/6/2004
Grizzly Opposition Nicolas Luchart 2003 Regionals Nord Picardie, France 3rd-4th 3/26/2003

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