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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2001 - 2050 of 6977 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Dredge oo7ph MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/16/2018 17th-32nd 9/23/2018
Competitive Prosh Geronimo Decks 9/22/2018
Parun v1 RustyBanana5 9/19/2018
Ad Nauseam Day_man MTGO Modern Challenge 09/16/18 17th-32nd 9/18/2018
Ad Naseam Blackbird0122 MTGO Modern Challenge 09/16/18 17th-32nd 9/18/2018
HardBody Cube SuddenlySusan 9/17/2018
tasigur phantasmal Eric 9/17/2018
Ad Nauseum Seth Manfield 9/14/2018
Five-Color Black Jakub Slemr Worlds '97 1st 9/13/2018
Dredge oo7ph MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/09/2018 9th-16th 9/13/2018
Dredge Orim67 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 09/09/2018 5th-8th 9/13/2018
Ramos Chaos Kromieus 9/12/2018
Dredge Eruxus MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 09/08/2018 9/11/2018
Animar RandyRanderson 9/9/2018
Marchesa, the Black Rose AlexDumez04 9/9/2018
Estrid Bant Value Enchantments The Sojourner 9/9/2018
Edric Proxy List Lofte 9/8/2018
Super Friends MTG Commander 9/7/2018
Ramos and Friends The Sojourner 9/4/2018
v1 breakfast combo ck5 9/4/2018
Kydele storm Dudedanoob 9/3/2018
sharuume 9/1/18 ck5 9/2/2018
Darius DestructionsLie 9/1/2018
Jodah High CMC Tribal PikaEldrazi 9/1/2018
meren goat 8/31/2018
Ad Nauseam krosherok MTGO Modern Challenge 08/26/18 17th-32nd 8/28/2018
5 Color Slivers ShanetheFreakingWizard 8/27/2018
Narset Turns BloodBath1319 8/26/2018
Dredge Garlan MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/25/2018 8/26/2018
Taking Turns VolpeC 8/24/2018
Godzilla Alan Comer 8/23/2018
Rec-Sur Brian Selden Worlds '98 1st 8/23/2018
Pros-Bloom Mike Long 1998 US Nationals 2nd 8/23/2018
Dredge Eruxus MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/18/2018 8/22/2018
Ad Nauseam JMAW MTGO Modern Challenge 8/19/2018 5th-8th 8/19/2018
Ad Nauseam krosherok MTGO Modern Challenge 8/19/2018 3rd-4th 8/19/2018
Ad Nauseam BUGTOTS MTGO Competitive Modern League: 08/17/18 8/18/2018
Jhoira EDH Thomper 8/17/2018
Warriors Heavy 8/16/2018
Atraxa Enchantments Tanner Cruse 8/15/2018
Dredge Orim67 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 08/11/2018 8/14/2018
Mayael Politik 8/14/2018
Ally 5c mate77 8/13/2018
Red Blue Token Artifacts MTG Commander 8/12/2018
Kaalia of fast Nativeguuy 8/11/2018
Niv-Izzet of Niv-Mizzet pewpewpew 8/11/2018
Breya Artifacts PikaEldrazi 8/11/2018
8/10/18 sharuum ck5 8/10/2018
Raise the Bannes! RagingGoblin97 8/10/2018
2018 atraxa ck5 8/10/2018

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