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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2801 - 2850 of 6977 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Human Aggro FeedMe (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 5/18/15 5/26/2015
Karador Doki7518 5/26/2015
lands with abilities havefun 5/19/2015
Leylines Chris Wolfmeyer 5/18/2015
alesha aristocrats Garcy21 5/15/2015
Cromat oakmclovin 5/15/2015
Amulet Bloom Grove (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 4/20/15 5/15/2015
Karador Post Dragons WriterofWrong 5/13/2015
Ol' Karador WriterofWrong 5/13/2015
Nekusar Edh arcticfox2012 5/10/2015
Defense of the Heart 2.0 arcticfox2012 5/9/2015
Roon of the hidden realm chms220 5/9/2015
Thrax Update dkay182 5/8/2015
Dredge OldManMagic54 5/5/2015
sultai FirstGear 5/4/2015
roon philB 5/2/2015
Ad Nauseam mk 2 CannibalChris 4/30/2015
Casual Madness Mesmerizer101 4/29/2015
Scion Reanimator TobiasBoonDVD 4/28/2015
Amulet Bloom Eric Rill 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Cleveland - 4/26 9th-16th 4/27/2015
Dredge damsp20 4/26/2015
alara wojtek1989 4/25/2015
Purple - Slivertown JClapper91 4/24/2015
Rafiq of the Many Beats LtRawks 4/24/2015
Marchesa voidant 4/18/2015
walkers revwonderpimp 4/17/2015
Amulet of Vigor jat123 4/9/2015
Post Ban Ascendancy amcburgerman 4/9/2015
Amulet Bloom Samuel Sandling 2015 Modern State Championships - Oklahoma 5th-8th 4/9/2015
Kara Hulk Revival WriterofWrong 4/8/2015
Affinity Harrison Fang 2015 Modern State Championships - Illinois 2nd 4/7/2015
get mime'd d3@th 4/5/2015
Morphin' Time WriterofWrong 4/1/2015
Dredge Andrew Shrout 2015 StarCity Open Legacy - Richmond - 3/29 9th-16th 3/30/2015
Abzan Anafenza joshfred21 3/30/2015
Pink - Leylines JClapper91 3/29/2015
Ad Nauseam Unlife uohoo85 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/16/15 3/26/2015
marath john152534 3/24/2015
Scion of the Ur-Chantment surgeslayer 3/23/2015
Amulet Bloom dancingjesus102 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/9/15 3/23/2015
Treefolk EDH List snipes1191 3/19/2015
Amulet Bloom dancingjesus102 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/9/15 3/18/2015
Amulet Bloom kanister (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 3/9/15 3/17/2015
Amulet Bloom Aaron Barich 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 3/15 9th-16th 3/17/2015
Uril. 8/5/16 Muraatt 3/16/2015
5C Allies MadKat (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 2/23/15 3/16/2015
Pluvian Overlord Muraatt 3/15/2015
Derevi competitive EDH smt8713 3/10/2015
DRAGONSSSSS!!!! surgeslayer 3/10/2015
Prossh Zelnorin 3/9/2015

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