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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2951 - 3000 of 6977 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Lazav cmhhss1 11/4/2014
Burn MindArkantos 11/4/2014
Birb cmhhss1 11/4/2014
Narset EDH josh_ae 11/4/2014
Amulet of Vigor kanister (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/13/14 11/4/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy Combo snively220 (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/6/14 11/4/2014
Amulet of Vigor kanister (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 10/6/14 11/4/2014
5 colour aggro d3@th 11/4/2014
BW Modern tstahldotcom 11/2/2014
xaas hardflash 11/2/2014
Pip Pip Cheerios joshfred21 10/31/2014
Testing the new set jamesstrife 10/30/2014
Travis Woo is Dumb Ndlax2014 10/29/2014
Griselcannon Areiz 10/28/2014
4C Ascendancy Schlabbes 10/25/2014
Anafenza AngelOfElysium 10/23/2014
Sigarda, Host of Herons Jay.Thirteen 10/23/2014
Actual Superfriends MusicKing69 10/22/2014
Ascendancy Combo cgreenmagic 10/21/2014
Jeskai Sonickduck 10/20/2014
Puresteel Paladin Combo jacksonchase 10/20/2014
Prossh souvik 10/19/2014
Serra rayanami 10/18/2014
Mindrazer's Mind Grind ColeSpire 10/17/2014
Narset Relmmagus 10/15/2014
Narset Combo hybrid theory 10/15/2014
jeskai_combo_modern JoeOf 10/10/2014
Narset combo crmanriq 10/9/2014
BSA Tokens rayanami 10/8/2014
Sultai Dredge FreeloaderMC 10/8/2014
God Wandlarer Bluetorre 10/7/2014
Brions in for a fling blindfate 10/5/2014
All in waste not fbussier80 10/5/2014
Animar 2.0 tlcrowle 10/4/2014
Sidisi, Brood Tyrant majikal 10/4/2014
Amulet of Vigor kanister (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 9/22/14 10/3/2014
Tasigur Control FreeloaderMC 10/2/2014
Ghave Planeswalkers FreeloaderMC 10/2/2014
Marchesa, Jack and Sac hitsugaya745 10/1/2014
URIL SMASH hitsugaya745 10/1/2014
Dredge MrNergles 9/30/2014
laylines kunuch 9/30/2014
Jeskai Ascendancy nosesa 9/30/2014
Dredge Damon Whitby 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Edison - 9/28 5th-8th 9/29/2014
Zurgo blackflame43 9/28/2014
Narset Commander hybrid theory 9/27/2014
pricecheck4 Garzweiler 9/27/2014
Jeskai hybrid theory 9/24/2014
Legacy Dredge kilroyisjace 9/23/2014
twoo negative life magicperson 9/22/2014

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