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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1 - 50 of 109 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Artifacts of Doom! Dinner Table Magic 1/6/2023
Bladewing ChubbsMcBlubbs 11/28/2020
Semi-Optimal Mono-Green Tron Emmmzyne 8/2/2020
Mono-Green Tron (Budget) Emmmzyne 8/2/2020
Mono-Green Tron (Budget) Emmmzyne 8/2/2020
Artifact Aggro EDH Crypto1777 6/9/2020
dragon commander darkangle2369 3/9/2020
Dragon Paralysis drep 4/15/2019
Artifact Dragons v1.2 LordDrubie 3/24/2019
Dragon Commander Jewy 7/25/2018
dumb idea Yoru 6/5/2018
Clockwork Jaynus006 5/18/2017
Silumgar EDH my name 11/6/2015
Colorless Control amp811 5/12/2015
lista AntoniooAmaral 9/9/2014
Infinite Mana Artifacts WestLakeDragon 2/22/2014
Legions Cube brannigans1aw 2/9/2014
mono blue tron budgetish mac9891 12/14/2013
Commander Dragon Deck xkatie241 12/6/2013
Mickey's Magical Palace! AngelOfElysium 10/26/2013
Artifacts Meggido30 10/4/2013
Budget Mono U Tron supitsloki 8/3/2013
Red Artifact Test Jhnbytwoo 7/27/2013
Scion of the Ur-Dragon TheDUZZmaN 4/30/2013
artifact ewolf26 3/25/2013
Dragons! ninjachop 3/23/2013
artifact commander darkmike1212 1/29/2013
Bosh Brawl (Needs cuts) psilonyx 1/27/2013
Scion of the Ur-Dragon frozencactus95 12/29/2012
It's Suspenseful atmarsh 11/18/2012
Proliferate lux cannon!!! o00kyle00o 11/5/2012
Red Dragon Levram 10/17/2012
Myr Abuse Mill Deck lol0237 9/29/2012
Modular Clockwork iMorphious 9/21/2012
Trade Stroodle 9/2/2012
Shirei Sideboard kyothine 8/27/2012
Rare Collection Gcacul 8/8/2012
Shirei in $100 Nightfall89 8/2/2012
Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre Jin15 4/26/2012
Kangee! owen! 4/20/2012
Myr Anexystp 2/7/2012
Myr deck prodigy91 2/6/2012
Elder Dragons Are Talking woodenbandman 1/25/2012
sleeping dragons fallendragon 1/11/2012
Animar +1 +1 EDH shadeax 7/6/2011
Bladewing the Risen gbpackerdude 7/2/2011
D & A gbpackerdude 6/21/2011
Rofellos gigglingamoeba 5/31/2011
UB mil Lorwynkid 3/22/2011
Arcum Dagsson Jonah_Hill92 3/8/2011

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