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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 4001 - 4050 of 4319 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Deck Standard Grixis Emerge 1.0 digrouz 12/3/2016
Lantern Control YroPro 12/2/2016
Kiki-Chord TK 11/30/2016
Lantern Control arcto 11/30/2016
Mono-Black Eldrazi Conley Woods 11/30/2016
Chandra Ima Winner Ol' Man 11/30/2016
B/R Reanimator Ken'ichirou Omori 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 33rd-64th 11/29/2016
Jund Manny 11/28/2016
Food Chain Koki Kageyama 2016 Grand Prix Chiba 17th-32nd 11/28/2016
abzan Chopstix 11/26/2016
Ghirapur Vampires MTG_YoungMage 11/23/2016
goryo BoomBoomStormCloud 11/23/2016
U/B Zombies JDielmann 11/23/2016
Mono-Black Eldrazi Conley Woods 11/23/2016
B/R Zombie Madness NinjaBear81 11/22/2016
Bubble Hulk BoomBoomStormCloud 11/22/2016
UB Tezzerator Kabootle 11/22/2016
Jund Nicholas Tibbitts SCG Classic Modern - Knoxville - 11/19/16 5th-8th 11/22/2016
Jund Courtland Strodl SCG Classic Modern - Knoxville - 11/19/16 5th-8th 11/22/2016
Lantern Control Finland - Lauri Pispa 2016 World Magic Cup - Team Unified 5th-8th 11/21/2016
Dredge Australia - James Wilks 2016 World Magic Cup - Team Unified 5th-8th 11/21/2016
Lantern Control Italy - Alessandro Portaro 2016 World Magic Cup - Team Unified 3rd-4th 11/21/2016
Jund Belarus - Dmitry Andronchik 2016 World Magic Cup - Team Unified 3rd-4th 11/21/2016
Abzan Greece - Petros Tziotis 2016 World Magic Cup - Team Unified 1st 11/21/2016
Ooze Reanimator Michael Finnegan SCG Classic Legacy - Knoxville - 11/19/16 9th-16th 11/21/2016
Reanimator Harley Forrest SCG Classic Legacy - Knoxville - 11/19/16 3rd-4th 11/21/2016
Abzan MTG Con Los Codos 11/20/2016
Junk Gyb 11/19/2016
Allies skam71086 11/18/2016
B/R Zombie Jacob Bard SCG Classic Standard - Baltimore - 11/06/16 9th-16th 11/18/2016
Madcap Gearhulks dawsonalex9 11/16/2016
Steve Rubin Zombies 2.0 @RubinZoo 11/16/2016
Mono-Black Eldrazi Conley Woods 11/16/2016
BUG Delirium Spicy Unicorn Milk 11/16/2016
Deck Modern Dredge 1.0 digrouz 11/15/2016
Reanimator Allison Coleman SCG Classic Legacy - Columbus - 11/12/16 9th-16th 11/15/2016
Abzan Delirium James Gibbs SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 11/12/16 5th-8th 11/14/2016
UB Zombies Steve Rubin SCG Classic Standard - Columbus - 11/12/16 3rd-4th 11/14/2016
Kiki-Chord Jeff Hoogland SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 17th-32nd 11/14/2016
Mardu Control Nick Moore SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 17th-32nd 11/14/2016
Dredge Jacob Baugh SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 9th-16th 11/14/2016
Dredge Collins Mullen SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 9th-16th 11/14/2016
Lantern Control Carter Newman SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 9th-16th 11/14/2016
Dredge Connor Bowman SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 9th-16th 11/14/2016
Jund Todd Anderson SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 5th-8th 11/14/2016
Grixis Delver Kevin Jones SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 3rd-4th 11/14/2016
Dredge Matt Ayers SCG Open Modern - Columbus - 11/12/16 2nd 11/14/2016
modern dredge arcto 11/13/2016
Grixis Delver arcto 11/13/2016
Lantern Prison arcto 11/13/2016

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