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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 2951 - 3000 of 3006 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Mardu Vehicles Logan McDougall SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: CO 1st 10/18/2016
Mardu mentor greasemonkey 10/18/2016
Mardu Vehicles Norman Harris SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: NC 5th-8th 10/18/2016
W/B Control Dmitri Shrum SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: OH 1st 10/18/2016
UBW Control ChumpBlockers 10/18/2016
UBw Control KLD 171016 artieh 10/17/2016
Mardu Vehicles Lee Shi Tian 10/17/2016
Mardu Vehicles Kon Fai Wu Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Mardu Vehicles Wing Chun Yam Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Four-Color Vehicles Tomoharu Saito Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Mardu Vehicles Eric Flickinger Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
W/B Aggro Thomas Enevoldsen Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Mardu Doug Potter Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Mardu Vehicles Frank Karsten Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Mardu Vehicles Hao-Shan Huang Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Mardu Vehicles Mike Hron Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Black-White Tokens Ihavethefire MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/17/2016
Esper Vehicles Boumbo76 MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/17/2016
White-Black Control Mikkatororo MTGO Competitive Standard League (5-0): 10/10-10/17 1st 10/17/2016
LG Control Bart 10/16/2016
Mardu Vehicles Lee Shi Tian Pro Tour Kaladesh 5th-8th 10/16/2016
B/W Aggro jvozza 10/13/2016
Mardu Control The Talented Mr Griggs 10/13/2016
B/W Angel Walker Boltz 10/12/2016
BW Bounce OddDude21 10/11/2016
4c Cutthroat Combo ConsolasBecketts 10/9/2016
Mardu Superfriend Control sammy sliver 2 10/9/2016
Lifegain Humans Mikel 10/7/2016
B/W Midrange Glaciuz 10/5/2016
Refurbishing Hulks Unbrok3nSarkhan 10/5/2016
Verdict Darth Atreus 10/3/2016
W/R Aggro Trevor Petrilli SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 33rd-64th 10/3/2016
W/U Aggro Andrew Ziggas SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 33rd-64th 10/3/2016
W/B Control Daniel Duan SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 17th-32nd 10/3/2016
W/R Aggro James Gosnell SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 17th-32nd 10/3/2016
W/R Aggro Garrett Strause SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 17th-32nd 10/3/2016
Mardu Vehicles Jason Reid SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 9th-16th 10/3/2016
Mardu Aggro Marquis Johnson SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 33rd-64th 10/3/2016
WR Aggro Benton Conrad SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 33rd-64th 10/3/2016
Mardu Aggro Zachery Boblitt SCG Open Indanapolis 10/1/16 33rd-64th 10/3/2016
Mardu Control TheDarklingGlory 10/2/2016
Box 2 MikeFairchild 9/30/2016
Box 1 MikeFairchild 9/30/2016
Bringing it back to light Noah Westman 9/30/2016
Mardu Humans Craig Wescoe 9/30/2016
Abzan Humans Craig Wescoe 9/30/2016
B/W Control Mad Titan 9/29/2016
Bring is Back Noah Westman 9/28/2016
W/B Control Seth Manfield 9/27/2016
Esper Blink Seth Manfield 9/27/2016

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