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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 451 - 500 of 538 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Colorless Eldrazi Adam Yurchick 3/23/2016
SHINY & CHROME Jelani 3/22/2016
R/G Eldrazi J_Vista8 MTGO Standard League (5-0): 3/7-3/13 3/13/2016
R/G Eldrazi thisisjnewton MTGO Standard League (5-0): 3/7-3/13 3/13/2016
R/G Eldrazi shuchun MTGO Standard League (5-0): 3/7-3/13 3/13/2016
R/G Ramp PcL89 MTGO Standard League (5-0): 3/7-3/13 3/10/2016
R/G Ramp yashimoro MTGO Standard League (5-0): 3/7-3/13 3/8/2016
Eldrazi Tron Andy Livernois 2016 Grand Prix Detroit 9th-16th 3/7/2016
Ramp cavaleiromorto 3/4/2016
RG Ramp Voltage 3/2/2016
R/G Eldrazi Kris Hoffman 2016 Grand Prix Houston 2/29/2016
Cosi SteffenBlake 2/19/2016
R/G Eldrazi xXLogosXx MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/15-2/21 2/19/2016
Mono-Green Eldrazi Kumazemi MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/15-2/21 2/19/2016
R/G Eldrazi MMajors MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/15-2/21 2/19/2016
R/G Eldrazi sgcyrus MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/8-2/14 2/12/2016
R/G Eldrazi diegozigg MTGO Standard League (5-0): 2/8-2/14 2/12/2016
Eldrazi... durrdurk 2/10/2016
RG Eldrazi TheeWood 2/9/2016
Mono-Green Eldrazi Conley Woods 2/8/2016
C/G Eldrazi Ramp 2 dws501 2/7/2016
Kozilek Price Check loudshadowross 2/3/2016
Kozilek Eldrazi WriterofWrong 2/2/2016
R/G Ramp Conley Woods 2/1/2016
Monogreen Eldrazi Conley Woods 2/1/2016
Monoblue Eldrazi Conley Woods 2/1/2016
Rakdos Eldrazi FreeloaderMC 2/1/2016
Eldrazi control arnakar 1/27/2016
Heartless Eldrazi shardoon 1/26/2016
Green Ramp Chris Brickey 2016 StarCity Open Standard - Atlanta - 1/23 2nd 1/25/2016
Wastelanders MusicKing69 1/24/2016
U/G Ramp runningman2472 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 12/28/15 1/22/2016
RG eldrazi ramp estranho 1/22/2016
Black Eldrazi FinalStifle (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 1/11/16 1/20/2016
R/G Ramp Ali Aintrazi 1/19/2016
U/G Ramp dark_cloud06 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 12/21/15 1/12/2016
Easy Eldrazi joshfred21 1/12/2016
Stolen Eldrazi himora21 1/8/2016
Heartless Eldrazi beena (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 1/4/16 1/8/2016
RG Tron bdsaxophone 1/7/2016
B/R Eldrazi Skater_Bruski (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 12/14/15 1/7/2016
Ulamog, the Waterveil mikenich05 1/4/2016
B/R Eldrazi Modern jordanc86 12/30/2015
G/W Ramp pyeefong (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 12/7/15 12/23/2015
R/G Tron CoolMrFrosty (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 12/7/15 12/23/2015
R/G Tron CoolMrFrosty (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 12/7/15 12/23/2015
R/G Tron chris 0815 (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 12/7/15 12/23/2015
BG Eldrazi cgreenmagic 12/23/2015
R/G Tron Markoftruth (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 11/23/15 12/22/2015
U/G Ramp LordofAtlantis47 (5-0) MTGO Standard League (5-0) - Week of 11/30/15 12/16/2015

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