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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5501 - 5550 of 8296 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Riku Creature Toolbox EDH Killnumb 11/12/2013
Bant Control Depian 11/12/2013
UW Counter and Wipe jmar411 11/11/2013
Im a wizard jcwork 11/11/2013
Mono U control aalistor 11/11/2013
Monoblue Devotion Alex Finley MaxPoint Silver - KC Hobbies - 11/9/13 1st 11/11/2013
Azorius Control Colin Chilbert 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 11/9 5th-8th 11/11/2013
UG Devotion Kinny Fain 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 11/9 5th-8th 11/11/2013
Monoblue Devotion Quincy Crow 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 11/9 9th-16th 11/11/2013
Monoblue Devotion Ricky Linn 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 11/9 9th-16th 11/11/2013
Monoblue Devotion Joe Holland 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Dallas - 11/9 9th-16th 11/11/2013
Hugs of Nekusar darkscion1 11/11/2013
Mill it DarkSkies 11/11/2013
My Collection Daigotsu_Shiezuru 11/10/2013
Melek, Izzet Paragon jacobschex 11/10/2013
Garfield's Anagram Infect firebear 11/9/2013
esper control ponyexpress 11/9/2013
GRU chaosmkr33 11/9/2013
Monoblue Devotion Tony Rebich MaxPoint Silver - Everything Games - 10/27/13 1st 11/8/2013
Thassa (Merfolk/Wizards) a1roger1 11/8/2013
UB pigtrol aalistor 11/8/2013
Monoblue Devotion Stephen Nicholas 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Los Angeles - 11/2 5th-8th 11/8/2013
Monoblue Devotion Robert Sanchez 2013 StarCity Open Standard - Los Angeles - 11/2 9th-16th 11/8/2013
Nekusar FFA TYBG 11/8/2013
U/G Masters nfro1 11/7/2013
Rafiq of the Voltron kumatsu 11/7/2013
U/R Control Kidblabla 11/7/2013
Azorius 2HG shadowsmiles42 11/7/2013
roguedeckbuilder.com nov. magicperson 11/7/2013
Grimgrin EDH Mike Novak 11/7/2013
Dubs Masters Joel Larsson 11/7/2013
uB Devotion opeth2013 11/7/2013
Control and Tell joshfred21 11/7/2013
Izzet Aggro Aephius 11/6/2013
MIll martindoming 11/6/2013
Zur, the Enchanter EDH Jojocalypso 11/6/2013
Mono Blue Devotion Germanduck 11/6/2013
Nekusar Costly Hug Railian86 11/6/2013
Thraximundar Control Renkyuwulf 11/6/2013
UR Pyromancer James Searles 11/6/2013
Monoblue Devotion Stephen Mann 2013 MaxPoint Series Championship - Standard 11/6/2013
Monoblue Devotion Mike Lanigan 2013 MaxPoint Series Championship - Standard 11/6/2013
Nekusar kcon 11/5/2013
Dirmir Control ASINDED 11/5/2013
American Control leapboy2996 11/5/2013
U/B Devotion jlgrgurich 11/5/2013
Roon remfan1988 11/5/2013
Derevi jwalsh89 11/5/2013
Monoblue Devotion Vilmar Barbosa Destri Jr. 2013 Grand Prix Santiago - 11/2 5th-8th 11/5/2013
Monoblue Devotion Jonathan Melamed 2013 Grand Prix Santiago - 11/2 5th-8th 11/5/2013

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