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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 5901 - 5950 of 8296 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Izzet Elemental Tempo MassO 9/27/2013
Azorius control matthew31599 9/27/2013
Consuming Control MrTwist82 9/27/2013
Izzet Control onyxghost 9/26/2013
Ashiok For the Win VanHarloon 9/26/2013
RUG Theros IDunEvenKnow 9/26/2013
UR Control mazer 9/26/2013
U/G ramp2 Karma 9/26/2013
U/G ramp Karma 9/26/2013
America Omnilolo 9/26/2013
MonoBlue chumpblocckami 9/26/2013
u/b Theros Control JoRoFunk 9/26/2013
gutt3rsnyp'in kanibalkow 9/26/2013
BUG control Nate9837 9/26/2013
Azorius Control Glacius 9/25/2013
U/w Control stowens 9/25/2013
U/W Control jldestruct 9/25/2013
Prophet Midrange Darkshine 9/25/2013
Memnarch edh Cwalkith666 9/25/2013
UW Theros starter aalistor 9/25/2013
Walls An00bArak 9/25/2013
Zegana EDHv3 inchy97 9/24/2013
Izzet Spellslinger Grusty13 9/24/2013
Esper Superfriends JaMoose 9/24/2013
Cant Touch This xknivesx 9/24/2013
Izzet Chimera agracru 9/23/2013
Momir Vig EDH dman712 9/23/2013
Daxos Control vainity 9/23/2013
Swan Swine Ashiko Solkanar 9/23/2013
Azorius Control JLottieB 9/23/2013
BUG Midrange LotA Bass8 9/22/2013
Prophet Speaker Bant Riggs 9/22/2013
hidden strings hybrid theory 9/22/2013
Is it? mcexitx 9/22/2013
URw pyrhaa 9/22/2013
black blue theros sinnerster 9/22/2013
Riku MaverickEnigma 9/22/2013
Azorius Control munckee 9/22/2013
Purple Control DavidFSU 9/21/2013
BUG Theros k.rose13 9/21/2013
Izzet Burn XSin 9/21/2013
Maze's End thedjvan 9/21/2013
UW EDH NinzieQT 9/21/2013
Blue Aggro nekross32 9/21/2013
simic midrange jascur2 9/20/2013
Esper Control Theros balmung 9/20/2013
Maze's End ArcRaven 9/20/2013
Azorius Control Jackson Katzman Standard Silver TCQ - Glenview, IL - 9/8/13 3rd-4th 9/19/2013
UW control THS aalistor 9/19/2013
Red/blue Purphuros nfro1 9/18/2013

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