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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 7351 - 7400 of 8296 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
grixis blood Chiropteran 12/6/2012
Bant Life JoeJoe 12/6/2012
Esper Superfriends Chris Falkenrath Standard Platinum TCQ - Niles, IL - 11/25/12 5th-8th 12/6/2012
Bant Control Reed Hartman Standard Platinum TCQ - Niles, IL - 11/25/12 2nd 12/6/2012
Danger! MrBaloyra 12/6/2012
Geist is French hitsugaya745 12/6/2012
Bant Lifegain difnicolas 12/6/2012
Gutter/Talrand HippopotamusX 12/6/2012
Splinter Twin _Raiden_ (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/26/11 12/6/2012
EDH Grimgrin, Corpse-Born meffeo 12/6/2012
dun let me atk u 3 times winningness 12/6/2012
4c walkers Ethan. 12/6/2012
RTR Bright Grixis Control acebustr 12/5/2012
Don't tug on it globeadue 12/5/2012
Bant bLiss1337 12/5/2012
U/R control burn rocket6608 12/5/2012
izzet olcsó davee669 12/5/2012
Grixis Affliction MurderOfOne 12/5/2012
Control/Mill Thomas23 12/5/2012
Azorius Detain JGeneral24 12/5/2012
Elves Mirouni 12/4/2012
Standard Defender Combo Izak616 12/4/2012
UWR Midrange BlackMistSmudg 12/4/2012
bant midrange trace666 12/3/2012
Grixis RTR DevourerJay 12/3/2012
Esper Tokens RTR DevourerJay 12/3/2012
izzet unnatural disaster Chandleredu 12/3/2012
azorius olcsó davee669 12/3/2012
Guttersnipe Izzet Oyarsa 12/3/2012
Bant Control Steve Medanic TCGplayer MaxPoint 50k Championship - 12/1/12 5th-8th 12/2/2012
UR Electromancer Klingbolt 12/2/2012
DelverSnipe Plotnikon 12/2/2012
izzet hizic 12/2/2012
Izzet Spell Spam irgod2earth 12/2/2012
4c Midrange bachwiz18 12/2/2012
UR thelegend 12/2/2012
Esper Control/Friends glasshorse018 12/1/2012
Bant Fog-Post Apex Canadian 12/1/2012
Grixis Wozcause 12/1/2012
Yooo quorian 11/30/2012
esper jtsmagic 11/30/2012
Geist tuskaru Sokits 11/30/2012
BUG Midrange v2 themagicman71 11/30/2012
Dread v3n7r1x 11/29/2012
Sniper asmoedus 11/29/2012
BrunaBrun haproon 11/29/2012
Planeswalker EDH Celari 11/29/2012
U/B Control simicvisions 11/29/2012
Filibuster Listrain 11/29/2012
UR Izzet DGA123 11/28/2012

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