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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 6051 - 6100 of 10000 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
UB Control tsuru (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/30/12 2/6/2012
UB Fae Blade chihoi (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/30/12 2/6/2012
Esper Control thatonedude 2/6/2012
Solar Flare zz99 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/30/12 2/6/2012
Unburial Gifts larkblue (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/30/12 2/6/2012
UB Control reedeemeer85 (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/30/12 2/6/2012
Tezzeret Infect Matt Lehman 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 2/4 2/6/2012
Grixis Control Chris Henry 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 2/4 2/6/2012
Esper Superfriends Shaheen Soorani 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 2/4 9th-16th 2/6/2012
Solar Flare Andy Moore 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 2/4 3rd-4th 2/6/2012
Gifts Reanimator Jacrash 2/6/2012
Heartless Lich BoomChild 2/6/2012
Bruises 2.0 Justin Vizaro 2/6/2012
Heartless Havengul Ali Aintrazi 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 2/4 5th-8th 2/6/2012
Spirit-Blade Harold White 2012 StarCity Open Standard - Richmond - 2/4 5th-8th 2/6/2012
3 Turn Win ammms 2/6/2012
UB Control voldomazta 2/6/2012
Undying Morbid Mesmerizer101 2/6/2012
Zom Nom jetstrike 2/6/2012
5C Lich lvalics 2/6/2012
BUW Token Pinots 2/5/2012
Espeercatquipnipownlulz Wyfy 2/5/2012
tokens astralrift 2/5/2012
Delver 2.0 cade34 2/5/2012
tezzveil control v2 Javier78 2/5/2012
Tezzeret neolong 2/5/2012
UB Mill Control InstantDeath 2/5/2012
UNBURIAL CONTROL Jesus1975 2/5/2012
Delver zombies Jesus1975 2/5/2012
It works sometimes RustyBanana 2/5/2012
U/B Heartless Summoning maq 2/5/2012
Esper Spirits v1.1 Darkshine 2/5/2012
EsperReanimatorSuprfriend CannibalChris 2/5/2012
Sharuum Combos Spaceman_Splif 2/5/2012
Braaains oneontaguy 2/5/2012
Patrick Chapin Grixis Cowsaymoo88 2/5/2012
Esper Tokens makoto24 2/5/2012
Esper Tokens Control Spaceman_Splif 2/5/2012
Zombies JasonPaul 2/5/2012
Zombie Tophimos 2/5/2012
darkblade aalistor 2/5/2012
BB Infect fleshmancody 2/5/2012
Chalice of Tezzeret mattsterjedi 2/5/2012
esper delver cade34 2/5/2012
UB Delver MattMarler 2/5/2012
ub zombies2 aalistor 2/5/2012
Grixis Lich GMRslyer 2/5/2012
Ub Zombies nickles 2/5/2012
UB Mill dsblink182 2/5/2012
U/B zombies Cinntoastmin 2/5/2012

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