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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 501 - 550 of 1032 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Levold Emissary of trest edh #G1bby# 4/8/2017
Emissary of Trest RShield0587 4/8/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
Dralnu LHSpud22 4/3/2017
4 - Atraxa, Praetors' Voice Glenfeed 3/24/2017
Oona mill MudkipDJ 3/24/2017
Grimgrin Combo Dread Hellkite 3/14/2017
Merieke Control EDH theycallmejeremy 3/13/2017
the soul of the multiverse silica1 3/6/2017
Grimgrin, Thriller-Born Kaminosai2 2/21/2017
Savagely Atraxa Kamikm 2/16/2017
Accursed Damia magg28 2/16/2017
Atraxa Amplify91 2/1/2017
Damia, Likes all the turns Blur 1/19/2017
5 color atraxa+yidris TheGuyWhoDoes 1/8/2017
Nicol Bubbybubs 12/15/2016
Atraxa superfriends Gutrick 12/3/2016
asdfasdf RickyNicol 11/26/2016
Atraxa EDH DCS_82 11/16/2016
Lazav The lord of Stealing Stin 10/14/2016
Thrax: Destroyer 8/4/16 Muraatt 8/4/2016
Tezzerator Sean O'Brien 2016 SCG Classic Legacy - Atlanta - 6/5 3rd-4th 6/8/2016
Budget Oloro Holyist 2/5/2016
Thraximundar EDH C_Clop 1/20/2016
Delv-Atog Schectman 1/17/2016
5c EDH Klavine 8/20/2015
fafwegasd BoBisAWESOME 6/12/2015
Tiny Sygg blueballs 5/24/2015
lands with abilities havefun 5/19/2015
Oloro, The Life Gainer Assessyn 4/12/2015
Me Too! mysteryking 3/17/2015
Sweeping Oloro EDH simonriley 2/27/2015
The Mimeoplasm arcticfox2012 2/16/2015
Baby ShardFenix 1/3/2015
Helmerator Nadrian 11/13/2014
Lovecraft SteffenBlake 10/26/2014
Tasigur Control FreeloaderMC 10/2/2014
Marchesa, Jack and Sac hitsugaya745 10/1/2014
Charms EDH Kamisos 9/30/2014
Marchesa EDH Pricing Balthier 9/6/2014
Marchesa,DA BLACK HO'S Laubstir 8/28/2014
UB Psychatog (01-02) videogamer99 8/27/2014
Jeleva Gay sirwytsei 8/13/2014
Tezzeret Control Brett Jayne 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Las Vegas - 6/22 9th-16th 6/24/2014
Zur Splinter Twin 6/12/2014
Tezzeret - Control II Nerrzull 5/12/2014
Mimeoplasm alucardou 5/11/2014
Blightsteel Poly Budget skeletalvampir 5/3/2014
Blightsteel Polymorph skeletalvampir 5/3/2014

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