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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 251 - 300 of 6267 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Faceless Menace Upgrade Budget EDH Deck Tech BudgetCommander 9/22/2019
Merfolk M-boy 9/19/2019
Merfolk IDEK 9/17/2019
Reckless Beamsplitting DioGen 9/8/2019
Izzet Storm MTGDomain 9/5/2019
Gifts Storm Anthony Weisz SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 09/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Merfolk Justin Kujawski SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 09/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Merfolk Kade Parks SCG Classic Modern - Dallas - 09/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Gifts Storm Paul Muller SCG Open Modern - Dallas - 9/01/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Puresteel Paladin Benjamin Reilly SCG Classic Modern - Richmond - 08/18/2019 9th-16th 9/2/2019
Twiddle Storm Greenhide1 8/21/2019
Storm TJ Glenn 8/12/2019
Sphinxes EDH (old) Crax Goodwhips 8/12/2019
Merfolk Ernesto 8/8/2019
EXAVIE 5-0 Twiddle 8-6-19 DanTopTier 8/7/2019
Pir and toothy Jinzoun 8/4/2019
Twiddle Lotus Storm Meryn 8/3/2019
Izzet Phoenix Myaccount 8/3/2019
Merfolk Jonathan Aiken SCG Classic Modern - Columbus - 07/28/2019 5th-8th 7/29/2019
Mono Blue Delver giLL 7/29/2019
U/R Phoenix Arturo Gonzalez Mythic Championship Barcelona 2019 7/28/2019
U/R Phoenix Jessica Estephan Mythic Championship Barcelona 2019 7/28/2019
Merfolk Zachary Broderick Mythic Championship Barcelona 2019 7/28/2019
U/R Phoenix Takashi Boku Mythic Championship Barcelona 2019 7/28/2019
U/R Phoenix Paul Muller SCG Classic Modern - Philadelphia - 07/21/2019 9th-16th 7/23/2019
Grixis Urza Jon Goss SCG Classic Modern - Philadelphia - 07/21/2019 3rd-4th 7/23/2019
Storm Dave Brandt SCG Classic Legacy - Philadelphia - 07/21/2019 9th-16th 7/22/2019
Storm Kyle Fitzsimmons SCG Team Constructed Open Legacy - Philadelphia - 7/21/2019 9th-16th 7/22/2019
U/R Phoenix Drake Sasser SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 7/21/2019 9th-16th 7/22/2019
Puresteel Paladin Benjamin Reilly SCG Team Constructed Open Modern - Philadelphia - 7/21/2019 3rd-4th 7/22/2019
Tricks Storm Shemyamon 7/18/2019
Ad nauseum SnapkeepMTG 7/17/2019
U/R Phoenix Drake Sasser SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 07/14/2019 5th-8th 7/15/2019
Pteramander Peasant Hunt of Doom 7/11/2019
Grixis Hogaak techninja701 7/9/2019
U/R Gifts Storm (Chalice Experiment) Shripplez 7/7/2019
Storm Jason Yanity SCG - Classic Legacy - Pittsburgh - 06/30/2019 3rd-4th 7/1/2019
Storm kiwiatv 6/19/2019
UR petra LetsHunt 6/18/2019
U/R Phoenix Oliver_Hart MTGO Modern MCQ 6/2/2019 9th-16th 6/9/2019
U/R Phoenix Chris Castro-Rappl SCG Invitational Modern 2019 9th-16th 6/9/2019
U/R Phoenix Zan Syed SCG Invitational Modern 2019 9th-16th 6/9/2019
U/R Phoenix Dan Jessup SCG Invitational Modern 2019 6/9/2019
Echo Storm Pete 6/4/2019
U/R Phoenix Paul Muller SGC Classic Modern- Louisville - 5/26/2019 1st 5/27/2019
U/R Phoenix Drake Sasser SCG Open Modern - Louisville - 5/26/2019 2nd 5/27/2019
Storm Caleb Scherer SCG Open Modern - Louisville - 5/26/2019 9th-16th 5/26/2019
Blue-Red Storm Shadowise 5/24/2019
Storm Adam Yurchick 5/23/2019
Totally Lost NastyCereal 5/17/2019

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