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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 701 - 750 of 913 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
HELIX ELVES blademast329 3/19/2010
*Elves* fosgate24360 3/15/2010
Elf Smash andyhall23 3/10/2010
Elf Maul Deck Tarodan 3/7/2010
Indestructible Elf again azreusi 3/5/2010
BG elf deck hrco207 3/5/2010
Indestructible Elves azreusi 3/4/2010
Nath EDH smellb4rain 3/1/2010
Mono Green Elves cele 2/28/2010
Green Elves Monster Doom 2/27/2010
elf overlord mk4jetta87 2/27/2010
Elves - Casual (mostly) huckzors 2/22/2010
Millys deck generalbob9 2/21/2010
Nissa's Army silvertooth 2/21/2010
Elf mono green deck help gecka 2/19/2010
overelf carpathium 2/16/2010
Elves pogomwg 2/14/2010
(Over)Running with Wolves jbishow 2/7/2010
elfball -agrro fr3dom07 2/7/2010
Elves davidmel1991 2/4/2010
Tolsimir Wolfblood GFireflyE 2/3/2010
Elf Speed oucherry 1/27/2010
elf fun deck dingwingy 1/26/2010
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa EDH Imminent Doom 1/25/2010
Legacy Elfishness KenBeere 1/23/2010
Elvish Tapdancing Troupe Omega16 1/18/2010
Staff Elves Narux 1/15/2010
rhys the reedeemed edh smellb4rain 1/6/2010
B/G Elf take over ShadowRyder56 1/1/2010
Elfs slapdown 12/26/2009
devour kendallstump 12/20/2009
Elves (sorta) Help Please channelblaze 12/16/2009
Elf Tokens Bleached123 12/16/2009
Elf Deck moneen 12/13/2009
ELLLLVVVEEESSSS Diigima 12/10/2009
Infinity Elves Yurtle 12/7/2009
elf dick fatti 12/7/2009
Here Comes the Elves youngtz 12/6/2009
(G) Elf Talone 11/16/2009
Predator Dragon-Elves Yurtle 11/12/2009
Old-Fashion Elf Swarm grensley 11/5/2009
Lorwyn Elves Xero 11/4/2009
Big Elven Deck Slippery Bogle 10/20/2009
Elves lessthanfake 10/17/2009
BG Elves KrackShott 10/11/2009
ElfAggroCombo Mortago 10/5/2009
R/G elves massd 10/1/2009
Seasonal skizzik 9/30/2009
Furystoke elves AIJEC 9/20/2009
Elves Aggro rmac90 9/15/2009

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