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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 201 - 250 of 403 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Merfolk allen1021 4/11/2011
U/W/G Aggro-Control L0rd MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 4-3-11 4/5/2011
UWB Countertop wooop_orc MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 3-27-11 4/5/2011
U/W/G Aggro-Control L0rd MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 3-27-11 4/5/2011
Sneak Attack Rush80 MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 3-27-11 3/31/2011
Counter Top/Natural Order L0rd MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 3-27-11 3/31/2011
Thopter Vault wooop_orc MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 3-27-11 3/29/2011
UG Vine Alcibiades Felix 2011 Star City Legacy Open - Los Angeles 9th-16th 3/28/2011
Merfolk Alex Bertoncini 2011 Star City Legacy Open - Los Angeles 9th-16th 3/28/2011
UWR Control wooop_orc MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 3-20-11 3/24/2011
U/G Madness Derekfurreal 3/20/2011
Eldrazi Post Andrew Steckley 2011 Star City Legacy Open - Memphis 9th-16th 3/14/2011
Candlebra TuSaisPas 3/13/2011
Green stax k2thej 3/3/2011
BUG Control xkorpio MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/9/11 1/18/2011
Fly Deck cow_hunter 1/12/2011
Fly me to the moon freeze87 12/26/2010
UWB CounterTop (cheap) karomann 12/18/2010
UW Scepter Lockdown karomann 12/18/2010
Enchantress comment pleas Zephrim 12/14/2010
UG Madness lizardsmoker 11/25/2010
Better fish penguinche 11/22/2010
Oath of Druids omnipotent273 11/16/2010
G.A. Augustin IV EDH Gulstab 11/14/2010
Simple Fish penguinche 11/5/2010
UR fish Demello 10/29/2010
genju unpatient 9/30/2010
Madness!? lorescale 9/19/2010
Thopter ccccck 7/8/2010
Thopter CounterTop v2 Pommy 7/8/2010
Thopter CounterTop Pommy 7/4/2010
new oath giandons 7/1/2010
I.R.S. v2 blahi87 6/24/2010
I.R.S. blahi87 6/9/2010
storm wolfmaster 5/17/2010
Mindlock destruction sthouder 3/18/2010
EVA Green Control jacobkelly73 2/28/2010
Butchit's reanimator butchit19 2/22/2010
Stasis_less Stasis Fonzie 1/21/2010
Blue Counterspell bigd-mers 11/9/2009
ZUR the RPG gaiathebanished 10/10/2009
a Blue deck EdwardJudorne 10/5/2009
WU enchantress gaiathebanished 9/16/2009
Artifact nax500z 9/15/2009
MUUUUCCCC r7no666 8/20/2009
ROFLLOL Loveless 7/11/2009
U/G Madness CelestialChild 7/3/2009
Merfolk kherubim 6/28/2009
Threshold David KULIK 2009-06-06 6 Double Tournoi: Jallieu, St Denis 5th-8th 6/26/2009
Baseruption Christian Donner 2009-06-06 6 ASL Legacy Berlin 3rd-4th 6/26/2009

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