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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1251 - 1300 of 3712 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Mardu Pyromancer NeilB4Me MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/27/18 7/30/2018
Lantern Control AngledLuffa MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/27/18 7/30/2018
Burn Jesse Sinopoli SCG Classic Modern- Indianapolis - 07/29/2018 2nd 7/30/2018
Burn Jackson Smith SCG Open Modern - Indianapolis - 07/28/2018 17th-32nd 7/30/2018
Mardu Pyromancer Marshall Arthurs SCG Open Modern - Indianapolis - 07/28/2018 17th-32nd 7/30/2018
Mono-Blue Tezzerator susurrus_mtg MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/27/18 7/30/2018
Burn John Phillip Whetstone SCG Open Modern - Indianapolis - 07/28/2018 17th-32nd 7/30/2018
Mono-Red Prison Raystack 7/30/2018
Eldrazi Post koolaidg MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/28/2018 7/30/2018
Steel Stompy Pikula MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/28/2018 7/30/2018
Stax Glenbag 7/27/2018
Steel Stompy Antarctica MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/22/2018 17th-32nd 7/25/2018
Zombardment ScavengingBooze MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/22/2018 9th-16th 7/25/2018
Free Win, UR? Noah Westman 7/24/2018
Arcades SaffronOlive 7/23/2018
Burn Ryan Ferries SCG Classic Modern - Philadelphia - 07/22/2018 9th-16th 7/23/2018
Tezzeret Control maouthunder MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/21/2018 7/23/2018
Pox Water_Wizard MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/21/2018 7/23/2018
Imperial Painter utley26 MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/21/2018 7/23/2018
Ensoul Stompy Spanky_kc MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/21/2018 7/23/2018
silly partners Maanya 7/21/2018
Lantern Control AngledLuffa MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/20/18 7/21/2018
Mardu Pyromancer bobinchese MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/20/18 7/21/2018
Mono-Red Control Lordryan06 MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/20/18 7/20/2018
Lantern Control AngledLuffa MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/17/18 7/19/2018
DiaoChan, Prison StopDropRoll789 7/18/2018
Tezzeret Stompy AnarchistAbe MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/15/2018 17th-32nd 7/18/2018
Zombardment alexeezayyy MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/15/2018 17th-32nd 7/18/2018
Mono-Red Prison TonyMontana MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/15/2018 17th-32nd 7/18/2018
Lands Shinta0926 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/15/2018 9th-16th 7/18/2018
Dragon Prison Raystack 7/18/2018
Legacy Tezz AnarchistAbe 7/18/2018
Burn Dan Paine SCG Classic Modern - Worcester - 07/16/2018 9th-16th 7/16/2018
Burn Kenny Dungar SCG Team Open Modern - Worcester - 07/15/2018 5th-8th 7/16/2018
Mardu Pyromancer Ben Stephan SCG Team Open Modern - Worcester - 07/15/2018 17th-32nd 7/16/2018
Mardu Pyromancer Alex Krauchick SCG Team Open Modern - Worcester - 07/15/2018 17th-32nd 7/16/2018
Mono-Red Prison Charles Welsch SCG Team Open Legacy - Worcester - 07/15/2018 17th-32nd 7/16/2018
Grixis Tezzeret Jake Farrar SCG Team Open Legacy - Worcester - 07/15/2018 17th-32nd 7/16/2018
Zombardment ScavengingBooze MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/14/2018 7/15/2018
Mono-Red Prison J.A.Eliso MTGO Competitive Legacy League: 07/14/2018 7/15/2018
Some cards sss 7/14/2018
some stuff sss 7/14/2018
Lantern Control AngledLuffa MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/10/18 7/12/2018
Burn SAM555101 MTGO Modern Challenge 07/08/18 17th-32nd 7/10/2018
Burn MEGATRON_MARIE MTGO Modern Challenge 07/08/18 17th-32nd 7/10/2018
Mono-Red Prison AnarchistAbe MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/08/2018 9th-16th 7/10/2018
Mono-Red Prison TonyMontana MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/08/2018 9th-16th 7/10/2018
Imperial Painter utley26 MTGO Legacy Challenge: 07/08/2018 5th-8th 7/10/2018
Burn ideocl4st MTGO Competitive Modern League: 07/06/18 7/9/2018
Burn Felipe Pincelli Grand Prix Sao Paulo 2018 9th-16th 7/9/2018

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