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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1001 - 1050 of 2991 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Omnath EDH thelonewolf1009 9/9/2020
Reanimador BUGW KombatMatt 9/8/2020
Sultai Midrange Kyle Norman SCG Tour Online Championship Qualifier #5 - 09/07/2020 5th-8th 9/8/2020
Sultai Midrange Ari Lax SCG Tour Online Championship Qualifier #5 - 09/07/2020 5th-8th 9/8/2020
Jund Sacrifice tangrams SCG Tour Online Championship Qualifier #5 - 09/07/2020 1st 9/8/2020
Rakdos Midrange Noé Alessandro Rivera Carvallo MtGHistoric Subreddit Tournament #16 - 09/05/2020 5th-8th 9/8/2020
Sultai Midrange Christopher Álvaro MtGHistoric Subreddit Tournament #16 - 09/05/2020 2nd 9/8/2020
Rakdos Pyromancer PioneerMaster 9/8/2020
Yarok ~Seeing Double~ skerrigan 9/8/2020
Yuriko Turns Adam Belcher 9/8/2020
Temur Ramp Ally Warfield 9/7/2020
Bant Reclamation PioneerMaster 9/7/2020
Esper Control Yorion PioneerMaster 9/7/2020
H Hyper 2 Fat Cock 9/7/2020
Pheldaggrif memes why, hello there 9/6/2020
Om-Nom-Nomnath Chase Carroll 9/6/2020
Yorion Doom Foretold Ally Warfield 9/4/2020
Azorious Control Ally Warfield 9/4/2020
mmm pbacevedo 9/4/2020
Omnath, Locus of Creation Nitpicking Nerds 9/4/2020
Esper Control Namahs84 MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/30/2020 5th-8th 9/3/2020
Five-Color Niv to Light ht991122 MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/30/2020 5th-8th 9/3/2020
Rakdos Aggro _Falcon_ MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/30/2020 5th-8th 9/3/2020
Five-Color Niv to Light trukanshii MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/30/2020 1st 9/3/2020
Temur Adventures Beekeeper MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/30/2020 5th-8th 9/3/2020
Sultai Ramp _Batutinha_ MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/30/2020 5th-8th 9/3/2020
Sultai Ramp 1YO2YO MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/30/2020 3rd-4th 9/3/2020
Sultai Ramp lukas261997 MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/30/2020 3rd-4th 9/3/2020
Rakdos Aggro RhV MTGO Pioneer Challenge - 08/29/2020 1st 9/3/2020
Sultai Ramp _Tia93_ MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/29/2020 5th-8th 9/3/2020
Rakdos Sacrifice BRUNISTER MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/29/2020 5th-8th 9/3/2020
Five-Color Niv _Shatun_ MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/29/2020 5th-8th 9/3/2020
Temur Midrange ALBER_VCF MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/29/2020 3rd-4th 9/3/2020
Rakdos Graveyard _Falcon_ MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/29/2020 3rd-4th 9/3/2020
Rakdos Sacrifice KelMasterP MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/29/2020 2nd 9/3/2020
Temur Adventures trukanshii MTGO Standard Challenge - 08/29/2020 1st 9/3/2020
Rakdos Lurrus Toastxp 9/2/2020
Rakdos Lurrus lsmguys 9/2/2020
Mardu Aggro Th00mor 9/2/2020
Jeskai Lukka FestiFan 9/2/2020
Bant Reclamation billsive 9/2/2020
Temur Reclamation Masontj 9/2/2020
Rakdos Midrange Ryan Betrix MtGHistoric Subreddit Tournament #15 - 08/29/2020 5th-8th 9/1/2020
Mardu Vampires bruh123 9/1/2020
Zur the Enchanter (2020) bruh123 8/31/2020
Sanctums Spartacusbob 8/31/2020
White prison Broximus Prime 8/29/2020
Pioneer Sultai GPG Big Papa 8/29/2020
Lukka Fires SunBird17 8/29/2020
Lukka Fires SunBird17 8/29/2020

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