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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1051 - 1100 of 2178 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
RWB Angel got_socks?1018 3/23/2007
Battle of Wits Kazuya Mitamura 2007 Grand Prix Kyoto, Japan 3/23/2007
Firemane Control H.Prostate 3/22/2007
StuffyTron vulture42 3/21/2007
Mono White Bounce v1.02 GorillaGo 3/21/2007
Wild Pair vulture42 3/20/2007
U/W Control dtacknorm 3/20/2007
Draining Mesa Deffer 3/19/2007
Angel Control Ken'ichi Sato 2007 GP Kyoto LCQ - #14 1st 3/19/2007
Wub Control Hidetoshi Yamashita 2007 GP Kyoto LCQ - #13 1st 3/19/2007
Angel Boom Atsushi Wada 2007 GP Kyoto LCQ - #8 1st 3/19/2007
BWG Control Takatoshi Saito 2007 GP Kyoto LCQ - #7 1st 3/19/2007
Angel Control Hiroto Takeuchi 2007 GP Kyoto LCQ - #3 1st 3/19/2007
Wub Control Tsubasa Tomii 2007 GP Kyoto LCQ - #2 1st 3/19/2007
Wub Control Tsubasa Tomii 2007 Grand Prix Kyoto, Japan 3rd-4th 3/19/2007
RWU Angel Ren Ishikawa 2007 Grand Prix Kyoto, Japan 5th-8th 3/19/2007
Angel Boom Atsushi Wada 2007 Grand Prix Kyoto, Japan 5th-8th 3/19/2007
Faith and Wealth faceface 3/18/2007
RWb aggro saintskeith 3/18/2007
blue white beastie GTR FRK 13 3/18/2007
Mono White CCC D3@D 3/18/2007
Birdscape zarban 3/17/2007
Angelfire v2 mlong74844 3/14/2007
Fader jeanbathez 3/14/2007
Land Kill TII straw 3/13/2007
White + Aggro moniker980 3/13/2007
Mantle Mesa drifting 3/13/2007
I3 o o IVI 4nSicK 3/12/2007
Slivers on a Beach Blake Rasmussen 3/12/2007
another boros s0ulless0ne 3/11/2007
Concocktion-tron Beowulf51 3/11/2007
zoo combo rimania69 3/10/2007
U/W Urzatron King Rick 3/10/2007
Black Whinte Control(BWC) charlesblue 3/9/2007
AngelFire VinRos 3/8/2007
Meta Killer manowar 3/8/2007
TriscuitTron theterran 3/8/2007
Black White Control, PCS Joshua Claytor 3/6/2007
Black White Control Joshua Claytor 3/6/2007
Boros Shawn Korb Louisville, KY City Champs 2/24 5th-8th 3/5/2007
Wumpa Lumpa moldrslug 3/5/2007
Enchanting that Tog! Stuben 3/3/2007
Snow Day straw 3/2/2007
B/W/G S4V4G3 cykotic_jester 2/27/2007
boros agro Paul651705 2/26/2007
bwg house cykotic_jester 2/26/2007
UW Tron Paul Nguyen 2007 Grand Prix Dallas, TX 5th-8th 2/26/2007
Vita ut victus nex Gm_Revan 2/24/2007
Enchantress prosekdan 2/24/2007
Enchanted Aggro dmitriuspopov 2/21/2007

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