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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 501 - 550 of 5297 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Selvala And Friends raziellok79 4/8/2016
Ezuri cmhhss1 4/7/2016
Coco Elves Gerkerson 4/6/2016
Garruk, Caller of Beasts joshfred21 3/28/2016
Ruric Thar rifeddeadman 3/26/2016
Surrak Combo rafael001 3/23/2016
mime rifeddeadman 3/19/2016
Yisan, the Wanderer Bard joshfred21 3/17/2016
Animar Agentwise 3/14/2016
Rhys Elf Tribal FreeloaderMC 3/12/2016
Fauna igj?n Sjonas 3/6/2016
Karador combo raziellok79 2/20/2016
UW Shaman Dandtheswang 2/12/2016
Four-Color Chord Paul Dean Pro Tour Oath of the Gatewatch: 21-23 points 2/10/2016
Ezuri, Claw of EDH epicjuicebox 1/25/2016
Marath Pricecheck Doki7518 1/25/2016
Abzan Chord kaos5 (5-0) MTGO Modern League (5-0) - Week of 1/11/16 1/20/2016
Ooze Combo RoySilverblade 1/18/2016
Omnath, Locus of Rage NickIsI 12/27/2015
Dead Fauna Sjonas 12/17/2015
Kai-Ki Chord gamemfreak 12/6/2015
meren 1justizn 12/3/2015
Selvala nojuice1 12/3/2015
Marath Pod orange242424 12/2/2015
Animar, soul of elements Legacy821 11/26/2015
Elves Jesse Hill Oath of the Gatewatch RPTQ - Indianapolis 3rd-4th 11/13/2015
BENNIE SMITH'S TOP 50 KAM smithwizzle 11/10/2015
Prime Speaker Fatties Kmart756 11/10/2015
B/G Elves Richard Drummer 2015 StarCity Open Modern - Dallas - 10/31 5th-8th 11/2/2015
Kresh all creatures psilonyx 10/29/2015
Tainted mimeoplasm d3@th 10/23/2015
Elves - Jason L0rdAceX 10/22/2015
dfg Kezarah 10/22/2015
Animar pod orange242424 10/22/2015
Mimeoplasm Final arcticfox2012 10/14/2015
Animar EDH darth_nexus 10/8/2015
Green Singleton slim2001 10/7/2015
jenara edh d3@th 10/5/2015
Cube life42 9/21/2015
The Mimeoplasm 2.0 arcticfox2012 9/13/2015
Mayael 3.4 RawrMcRawr 9/13/2015
Seton, Krosan Protector raziellok79 9/1/2015
Animar d3@th 8/24/2015
Anafenza Aggro WriterofWrong 8/19/2015
Elves Leigh Pushard MaxPoint Bronze - Legacy Gaming - 8/15/15 5th-8th 8/19/2015
Karador edh d3@th 8/18/2015
Anafenza d3@th 8/18/2015
ALL the Toolboxes laineithman 8/15/2015
Animar Veralece 8/14/2015
NEW POD (4-0) dukeboy36 8/7/2015

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