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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 3751 - 3800 of 3848 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Binder stuff Vyria 7/21/2010
Cmdr Karrthus Tyrant Jund andyrut 7/12/2010
Cmdr Merieke Ri Berit andyrut 7/11/2010
Edh dragon swarm vanities 7/7/2010
Wrexial EDH mrgrumpywumps 6/26/2010
sell evspyder 6/23/2010
Konda EDH firestorm4056 5/29/2010
EDH Slivers Optimal newb23 5/25/2010
EDH Slivers newb23 5/25/2010
Hokori EDH Aoxa 5/24/2010
UBR adr3nal 5/16/2010
Emrakul edh Trogdor! 4/14/2010
zo-zu EDH deckstorage1 2/24/2010
Karn, Silver Golem [EDH] jacobkelly73 1/10/2010
progenitus edh Magus0fdaMoon 6/9/2009
artifact aggro phantom 6/1/2009
EDH ZUR THE ENCHANTER=Gen joah18 11/17/2008
eye of the storm gaiathebanished 6/17/2008
Erhnamgeddon shredzone 2/6/2008
RW LD Mr.J 7/26/2007
Extirpator nithael 6/1/2007
Turbo Glimpse nithael 4/19/2007
Battle of Wits Kazuya Mitamura 2007 Grand Prix Kyoto, Japan 3/23/2007
land mine royalfishness 11/27/2006
SuperNova jesseg 10/5/2006
Ideal Akira Asahara 2005 World Championships 9/8/2006
Mono Black lauq 8/30/2006
BATTLE pyoungs2341 8/23/2006
Santa-Tron Jeff Stewart 8/17/2006
Weird Sun Delofasht 8/7/2006
Ebony Owl Netsuke OnniHopeDream 6/28/2006
Five color poo ROB_JIGGA 6/24/2006
Budget Owl jared_dow_30 6/21/2006
Battle of Wits vapreppy 6/9/2006
Holy Trinity bugi986 6/4/2006
2006 Regionals - 1st Place Kurt Schlein 2006 Regionals Malsch (US Military), Germany 1st 5/20/2006
2006 Regionals - 2nd Place Ken Nowell 2006 Regionals Concord, North Carolina 2nd 5/20/2006
2006 Regionals - 4th Place Mark MacGregor 2006 Regionals Halifax, Nova Scotia 3rd-4th 5/20/2006
2006 Regionals - 8th Place Kevin Honold 2006 Regionals Edison, New Jersey 5th-8th 5/20/2006
2006 Regionals - 2nd Place Jordan Wadsack-Stewart 2006 Regionals Albuquerque, New Mexico 2nd 5/20/2006
Form of the Dove w/Black Blake Rasmussen 5/3/2006
Form of the Dove Blake Rasmussen 5/3/2006
need blue and black decks johnnyd2 4/29/2006
undying flames valhalla 4/18/2006
Wildfire control Dark Confident 4/13/2006
Angelmania jharris6902 4/1/2006
2006 PTQ Charleston - 3rd Place David Glore 2006 PTQ Charleston St. Louis, Missouri 3rd-4th 4/1/2006
Who needs Swamps? NickWhiz1 3/29/2006
Enduring Ideal Max McCall 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006
Enduring Ideal Keith McLaughlin 2006 Pro Tour: Honolulu 3/5/2006

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