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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1251 - 1300 of 1472 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Riku Counter Servachuels 11/16/2011
azusa edh smellb4rain 11/9/2011
Animar EDH sumopdude 11/9/2011
Ghave Control hitsugaya745 11/9/2011
Unclever Name TheRealPhoenix 11/7/2011
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Mirvana 11/5/2011
Edric draws too much Deafbeats 10/27/2011
Budget Azusa seanpatch88 10/27/2011
Teneb Reanimator... Again zalaz_007 10/26/2011
Omnath Yox1234 10/24/2011
Big Deck Yox1234 10/24/2011
Omnath EDH McGriff 10/24/2011
mayael the anima thunderdan11 10/22/2011
5 color etb lewi0027 10/22/2011
ETB lewi0027 10/20/2011
Inactive Animar Chokda 10/20/2011
Grieves, Boots, and Cloak rayluu32 10/18/2011
Elvish Piper Giants sk1dr0w18al 10/15/2011
Omnath cybrdean 10/14/2011
Glissa cybrdean 10/14/2011
Animar all permanents physix101 10/14/2011
D34TH PUNCH Scorp1D 10/12/2011
maggie Gangrene 10/3/2011
Teneb's Pimp Slap Satanman13 10/1/2011
Rhys Deck Entity79 9/30/2011
Animar Recruiter Jester831 9/28/2011
Riku EDH Plus1Reading 9/25/2011
Riku EDH czolgosz14 9/25/2011
tgtg c_gallow8 9/21/2011
Elves sagan10955 9/15/2011
Rhys Commander Tokens Tinnobj 9/15/2011
mayel beats cmt plz thunderdan11 9/14/2011
mayel beats help plz thunderdan11 9/14/2011
BS sagan10955 9/14/2011
Rofellos Commander sagan10955 9/13/2011
Animar's Menagery WriterofWrong 9/8/2011
EDH- Child of Alara 2.0.1 NickTheSushi 9/7/2011
omnath edh xvxcolorado 9/7/2011
Big Dumb Green sagan10955 9/7/2011
Estoque Morphonrpg 9/7/2011
Riku EDH greg9381 8/25/2011
Ulasht, the Hate Seed RestlessHero 8/22/2011
edh Mirror Mastery nosesa 8/18/2011
Animaniacs Hercules Mode 8/17/2011
mormir jordanalessi 8/16/2011
animar soul of elements 2 Djpresby 8/15/2011
Quicksilver Pod crotog 8/15/2011
Damia Graveyard WuZiching 8/14/2011
draw jordanalessi 8/14/2011
Wolfblood's Budget Tokens TerribleChoice 8/10/2011

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