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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 301 - 350 of 426 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Flux capacitor Mystic snake 1/10/2017
Firewood Mystic snake 1/10/2017
Temur Emerge Mig 1/10/2017
mono black aetherborns TheGuyWhoDoes 1/7/2017
mono black aetherborns TheGuyWhoDoes 1/7/2017
Ovalchase Dragstrip Da Koopa King 1/5/2017
Artifact Aggro Snaxwell 12/28/2016
WR One Grover864 12/23/2016
U/R Emerge Mig 12/23/2016
dwarf vehicle TheGuyWhoDoes 12/20/2016
W/U Panharmonicon Ookenshield,End stage fantasis 12/19/2016
Budget Kaladesh Xqua 12/16/2016
Grixis Saheeli Moothew 12/14/2016
Esper Aggro Craig Wescoe 12/12/2016
Bant Panharmonicon izzet?it_is 12/12/2016
Sealed Pool PPTQ Frankfurt 10/12/16 SchlabbesPlays 12/11/2016
5 Color Panharmonicon Paradox Whispers 12/9/2016
W/U Panharmonicon Seth Manfield 2016 Grand Prix Denver 5th-8th 12/7/2016
Aetherflux Reservoir Ebenezer 12/7/2016
W/U Panharmonicon Pascal Maynard 2016 Grand Prix Denver 33rd-64th 12/5/2016
u/w Panharmonicon KingGampo 12/5/2016
r/g hyper artifact TheGuyWhoDoes 12/1/2016
U/W/G INVESTIGATE Robby Carlisle 11/26/2016
Mill is bad Chicken_Vegetas 11/25/2016
5c panharmonicon sheikia2 11/22/2016
UB Tezzerator Kabootle 11/22/2016
4 Color Panharmonicom Cavaleiro Morto 11/21/2016
Temur Emerge Andrew Holt SCG Classic Standard - Baltimore - 11/06/16 5th-8th 11/18/2016
Temur Emerge arcto 11/16/2016
RB control dakotah cotton 11/16/2016
r/g hyper artifact TheGuyWhoDoes 11/15/2016
Jund Reanimator Thunderbreak Regent 11/14/2016
Standard Jund Sokits3 11/13/2016
UB Tezzerator Kabootle 11/10/2016
PANHARMONICONtrol Aberdolf Linkler 11/10/2016
Mono Black Control Expensive Hobby 11/9/2016
Mono-Black Eldrazi Conley Woods 11/9/2016
GB Midrange DatConsuelaz 11/7/2016
Mardu Gearhulks Charles Hillman 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - ME 5th-8th 11/6/2016
UB Midrange Manuel Orellana 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - FL 5th-8th 11/6/2016
abzan aggro graveyard Kaiba Foose 11/5/2016
GGF Eldrazi Crimson Law 11/4/2016
Black-Green Delirium Autumn Lewis 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - IN 2nd 11/4/2016
Mardu Control Jonathan Bradshaw 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - KY 5th-8th 11/4/2016
Eldrazi Vehicles Conley Woods 11/3/2016
Colossus Control Kyle Ducharme 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - VT 3rd-4th 11/2/2016
WU Midrange Samuel Goldstein 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - RI 3rd-4th 11/2/2016
Mono White Control Fabyan Reyes 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - NJ 5th-8th 11/2/2016
Mardu Control Dorian Fladger 2016 TCGplayer Standard State Champs - MI 5th-8th 11/2/2016
B/R Control Jakub Janeczek 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 33rd-64th 11/1/2016

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