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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 201 - 250 of 512 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Tiny Leaders - Jaya Burn MrScripter 1/13/2015
Legacy - Burneon dber 1/2/2015
UR Burn Jon Corpora 11/21/2014
Rakdos Damage Rampage Jelani 11/14/2014
Monored Burn Jim Davis 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Worcester - 10/19 9th-16th 11/13/2014
Burn shinysyduck 10/23/2014
Burn Legacy Terminum 9/6/2014
Burn Legacy Budget Terminum 9/1/2014
Monored Burn Alex Johnson 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Syracuse - 8/10 5th-8th 8/19/2014
burn2 shadowsmiles42 8/15/2014
burn shadowsmiles42 8/15/2014
Mono Red Burn BDog7759 8/3/2014
Monored Burn Brian Cooper 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Kansas City - 7/27 5th-8th 7/31/2014
Legacy Burn cchichy 7/16/2014
Monored Burn Forrest Ashmore 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Portland - 6/29 9th-16th 7/1/2014
vamp aggro speedboo 6/19/2014
Burn 2.0 Dragosi 6/17/2014
Suicide Burn swagon 6/12/2014
Monored Burn Lou Stefanovic 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Providence - 6/8 9th-16th 6/12/2014
Burn TheRealPeaches 6/6/2014
Monored Burn Jon Thiel 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Indianapolis - 6/1 9th-16th 6/4/2014
RDW Black 6/3/2014
GR LowLand Aggro Floatwall 5/29/2014
burn JAmes72899 5/19/2014
UR Delver Burn c0nfid4nt 5/17/2014
Monored Burn Joey Lively 2014 StarCity Open Legacy - Dallas - 4/13 5th-8th 5/1/2014
Burn Dallas TX Open 2014 feline 4/24/2014
Legacy Burn Epicphatkid 4/14/2014
burn DXI-Edge 4/14/2014
Legacy Burn Cimurph 3/26/2014
legacy burninator amp811 3/14/2014
Red Flash happyhomicidal 2/24/2014
Burn GoblinSlinger 2/15/2014
Burnskies bertschtree3 2/8/2014
Mono Red Pauper rodrigo fidele 2/2/2014
Red Pauper edh theBkeeper 2/1/2014
Burn Aeleos 1/23/2014
Legacy Mono-red Burn Omega2112 1/19/2014
Pauper Burn jmbonnet 1/14/2014
Monored Burn Hugo Villamor 2013 StarCity Open Legacy - Orlando - 1/13 9th-16th 1/13/2014
rdw Th3Mutsu 1/13/2014
Burn Karniivore 1/12/2014
Mazzola's Suicide Burn chumpblocckami 1/10/2014
Pauper Cube apinkzaku 1/4/2014
Fire PAUPER David Real 12/21/2013
kale Wolforous 12/15/2013
RDW Copy shpadoinkle 12/12/2013
Klug's Hidetsug EDH TheSquareCircl 12/2/2013
Burn Spaceman_Splif 12/1/2013
Red bnogas 11/13/2013

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