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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1451 - 1500 of 2617 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Riku CHAOS! Cassidy Silver 3/8/2012
Rafiq Enchantments Xingact 3/8/2012
Riku CHAOS! WriterofWrong 3/7/2012
Lone Hero Moomasa 3/3/2012
Edric, Spymaster of Trest Hambo_1982 3/2/2012
lolGU Terrapin Guts 2/29/2012
Hermit Druid Combo alex916 2/29/2012
Group Hug EDH Phearme 2/27/2012
Modern Copyvine 5 Elements 2/25/2012
Simic Zoo westers209 2/24/2012
RUG Aggro Shimpei (4-0) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 2/20/12 2/23/2012
Bant Warp Aggro NayaReborn 2/22/2012
U/G Survival MarryJewWanna 2/21/2012
First Commander Deck (YOUR)PhonyGod 2/19/2012
Das Mimeoplasma csilver 2/17/2012
Momir Vig shenanigans thedarkside 2/16/2012
Riku EDH banditman 2/16/2012
Experimental Growth JSilv127 2/15/2012
Edric EDH banditman 2/13/2012
Sliver Success. JSilv127 2/12/2012
Damia EDH Ianus 2/12/2012
RUG Aggro PTPaul (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 2/6/12 2/9/2012
The Experiment (Kraj) Pvt. Jet 2/8/2012
Umbral mantle elementalheroflamewingman 2/8/2012
Edric EDH wraith 2/7/2012
Coalition Relic TheScynic 2/4/2012
Trapped in the Closet Christopher Morris-Lent 2/3/2012
Bant Pod EDH Petesy99 2/1/2012
Animar, Soul of Elements Kriegpanzer 1/31/2012
Walkers and Warps kbr3 (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/23/12 1/31/2012
RUG Aggro SUKE (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/23/12 1/30/2012
UGW Control st_ash_ 1/27/2012
BUG Zombie COMMENT BioPrince 1/26/2012
RUG Aggro shufflerpwned MTGO Modern PTQ - 1/21/12 9th-16th 1/25/2012
Rug Aggro shufflerpwned (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/16/12 1/25/2012
Splinter Twin CornyJoke2 (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/16/12 1/25/2012
RUG Aggro Smi77y (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/16/12 1/24/2012
Raven Loam clusterfolk3 1/22/2012
4C Aggro Sam Turner-Lynch 2012 PTQ Barcelona - Portland, OR - 1/14 3rd-4th 1/20/2012
RUG Aggro SUKE (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/16/12 1/19/2012
LD 3 phluid4000 1/17/2012
Bant Allies JSilv127 1/15/2012
The Mimeoplasm Traproot Kami 1/14/2012
I Mimic Sea Woes OutrageSpell 1/13/2012
Damia, Sage of Stone coolspanishguy 1/12/2012
Lands NeLk 1/9/2012
Cromat EDH greg9381 1/9/2012
Bant mattwhite26 (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily (3-1 and 4-0) - Week of 1/2/12 1/9/2012
rafiq edh smellb4rain 1/8/2012
proliferate 2 kyothine 1/8/2012

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