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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 1801 - 1850 of 2617 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Rafiq Bant EDH hybrid theory 2/22/2011
Rafiq Proliferate v2.0 bfellow 2/22/2011
Progenitus 5C kagayakutsuki 2/21/2011
Bant EDH v2 Elijah121580 2/21/2011
Bant EDH Elijah121580 2/21/2011
The Hunter RoughThunder 2/19/2011
Vig Transmute EDH Fate Stitcher 2/19/2011
Splintermite Scapeshift Wanipop Pnomdontri 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Los Angeles (2/12) 3rd-4th 2/17/2011
draw cards. owen! 2/16/2011
RUG Ramp Paul McCann 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Garden City, MI 5th-8th 2/16/2011
Big Bant acevudoo 2/15/2011
PTQ wargate R4V4G3R 2/14/2011
RUG Seas InstantDeath 2/14/2011
UG Ramp socrplyrdrew 2/9/2011
Bagrro Nathan Wollin 2/7/2011
Mythic Conscription Beleynn 2/7/2011
RUG Scapeshift Beleynn 2/7/2011
bant is fun Nathan Wollin 2/6/2011
Spread 'Em kilroyisjace 2/6/2011
conscript 1.x 2 xlink 2/4/2011
UG Scapeshift Dave Yetka 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Burnsville (1/15) 5th-8th 2/3/2011
UG Scapeshift Matthias Hunt 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Burnsville (1/15) 1st 2/3/2011
Savor the Moment Kaitsu 2/2/2011
Intet, The Dreamer Derekfurreal 2/1/2011
Visions: Vig EDH jbishow 1/31/2011
valakut cade34 1/30/2011
Umbral Tap sojo1024 1/29/2011
future alarm vash2332 1/29/2011
the madness riteofflame 1/27/2011
RUG Seas Craig Wescoe 2011 GP Atlanta 9th-16th 1/27/2011
RUG Seas Alex Bertoncini 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Atlanta (1/23) 5th-8th 1/27/2011
RUG Scapeshift Nassim Ketita 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Kitchener (1/22) 1st 1/27/2011
Conscription Ben Friedman 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Rockville (1/16) 5th-8th 1/27/2011
Omen Valakut Andrej Selivra 2011 Trials - GP Atlanta 1st 1/27/2011
bant beatdown Nathan Wollin 1/27/2011
Momir Vig metalheaded22 1/26/2011
Rafiq Supreme Zallki 1/25/2011
Land Discard Nick 30075 1/24/2011
Omen Valakut Tinkiwinki MTGO Legacy Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/16/11 1/24/2011
Omen Valakut mOeRuToRa MTGO Extended Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/16/11 1/24/2011
Omen Valakut Get_there MTGO Extended Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/23/11 1/24/2011
Omen Valakut PitBull_RJ MTGO Extended Daily (4-0) - Week of 1/16/11 1/24/2011
Phelddagrif EDH - Budget ac1111 1/24/2011
Conscription Miguel Ángel Ferrero 2011 PTQ Nagoya - Madrid (1/20) 2nd 1/24/2011
RUG Scapeshift Jason Ford 2011 GP Atlanta 1st 1/24/2011
Endless Swarm Lortek 1/24/2011
10 Commandments sparky_91 1/23/2011
roGUes Drydion 1/22/2011
AtlantaOmenFinal ThreeBarsLeft 1/21/2011
Combo Happy blacksmycolor 1/21/2011

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