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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 101 - 134 of 134 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
B/R Eldrazi sjgreybar 11/30/2015
Grixis Aggro Christopher Juliano 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Somerset - 11/29 5th-8th 11/30/2015
B/R Aggro ShowTime_ (4-0) MTGO Standard Daily (4-0) - Week of 11/9/15 11/25/2015
GBR chandler1 11/24/2015
grixis aggro angelus391 11/15/2015
B/R Aggro Eluna (5-0) MTGO Standard Champs - Battle for Zendikar (5-0) 11/13/2015
B/R Aggro Devin Gorney TCGplayer Open 5K Jacksonville, FL - 11/7/2015 9th-16th 11/12/2015
BR Aggro Pineapple 11/7/2015
plz Soap 11/4/2015
B/R Peasant Devoid my name 11/3/2015
B/R Aggro Steve Bera TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Wisconsin 1st 10/27/2015
Grixis Aggro Cameron Eaton 2015 StarCity Open Standard - St. Louis - 10/25 3rd-4th 10/26/2015
Grixis Eldrazi SWINGFORLETHAL 10/21/2015
Grixis Aggro Christian Renner TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Kentucky 2nd 10/20/2015
Mardu Aristocrats Eric Morgan TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Kentucky 5th-8th 10/20/2015
BR nigglet stinky20v 10/20/2015
B/R Aggro Lisdan Marrero TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Florida 1st 10/19/2015
BR Eldrazi Aggro Tellion12 10/19/2015
B/R Aggro Jon Ring TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Montana 5th-8th 10/18/2015
B/R Aggro Joel Ring TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - Montana 3rd-4th 10/18/2015
RB Aggro BuffaloRider 10/17/2015
BR Aggro - BFZ NP-complete 10/16/2015
Jund Eldrazi queso414 10/16/2015
B/R Aggro Jason Esposito TCGplayer Standard States 2015 - New York 3rd-4th 10/15/2015
Grixis Aggro TheHighlife5 10/11/2015
Grixis Aggro/Control arcticfox2012 10/10/2015
Smiles at Death jsilver19 10/7/2015
Legends B/R jsilver19 10/6/2015
B/R Aggro Stephen Dykman 2015 StarCity Open Standard - Indianapolis - 10/3 9th-16th 10/5/2015
BR Devoid nshandy56 9/30/2015
Eldrazi Company cmdrsmushy 9/27/2015
BR Devoid Robert Vaughan 9/25/2015
B/R Devoid Robert Vaughan 9/24/2015
Collected Eldrazi Timeos 9/22/2015

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