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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 151 - 200 of 366 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Sharuum EDH rambull 8/22/2010
Sharuum EDH airbreaker 8/22/2010
Esper bond travisty 8/17/2010
OTV II obnixilis 8/16/2010
Last Chance Ethersworn Mortag1981 8/14/2010
Sharuum EDH NOVA twilightwolf90 8/12/2010
steel overseer Lorwynkid 8/10/2010
Mr. Roboto 2.0 Tampadrew2 8/7/2010
Flash Fiend ryuwizard98 8/4/2010
Esper EDH 3OH!3 8/1/2010
Open the Vaults Alex Mukhar 2010 PTQ Amsterdam: Las Vegas 5th-8th 7/30/2010
sacafact tystalin 7/30/2010
Comments or die... obnixilis 7/28/2010
LEVIATHAN Beanybag 7/24/2010
WUB Artifact sinsational 7/24/2010
Open the Vaults Sami Tuomi 2010 Nationals - Finland 5th-8th 7/22/2010
Artifact EDH MrBojangles626 7/21/2010
Rold Gold mnbvcx 7/21/2010
dailymtggoingforgold Sam9991 7/20/2010
Esper Artifacts DegoDemagogue 7/19/2010
Artifact bash calour 7/18/2010
Zur EDH tozarr 7/10/2010
FNM winning 5Cc GearGod 7/8/2010
esper lock cpospo 7/3/2010
OTV obnixilis 7/1/2010
time sieve combo 13ierDragoon 6/21/2010
time sieve xm0nkeh 6/20/2010
Open the Vaults a charmander 6/20/2010
Artificial Intelligence hydra1122 6/17/2010
Open the Vaults Charly Mukhar 2010 PTQ Amsterdam: Los Angeles 5th-8th 6/17/2010
Muter Drop aminhyo 6/14/2010
Esper Control Animosity 6/12/2010
Time sieve v2 (comments) pancakes 6/11/2010
FIRE thehoodie 6/6/2010
time sieve vault mdakw576 6/6/2010
Open the Vaults Budget DroveofElves 6/4/2010
open vaults multi player areoth1 5/31/2010
Esper Arties cellach33 5/29/2010
Open the Vaults STANDARD jundblade 5/29/2010
Open the Vaults shadowfuri 5/29/2010
Open the Vaults Jay Kendrick 2010 PTQ Amsterdam: Tuscaloosa 5th-8th 5/27/2010
Open the Vaults Michael Ferri 2010 National Qualifiers - Texas 3rd-4th 5/21/2010
Esper Aggro dtm7193 5/20/2010
Time Sieve Paul Smith 2010 National Qualifiers - Saskatchewan 3rd-4th 5/19/2010
Esper dredge 666Metalhead 5/18/2010
Time Sieve Peter Meyer 2010 National Qualifiers - Connecticut 3rd-4th 5/18/2010
Open the Vaults John Petterson 2010 National Qualifiers - Kansas 5th-8th 5/18/2010
Time Sieve Jason Cook 2010 National Qualifiers - Rhode Island 5th-8th 5/18/2010
Time Sieve Aaron Dos Remedios 2010 National Qualifiers - Ontario 5th-8th 5/18/2010
Time Sieve Iain Cassels 2010 National Qualifiers - British Columbia 5th-8th 5/18/2010

Core Value 1

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