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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 3951 - 4000 of 9904 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
Zoo omnath 12/21/2011
Red Deck Wins max115 (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 3166177 - 12/19/11 12/21/2011
Red Deck Wins Skater_Bruski (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 3166177 - 12/19/11 12/21/2011
Boros Landfall darkbro66 12/21/2011
Zoo SockBrothers (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 3166114 - 12/18/11 12/20/2011
Red Deck Wins megavore (3-1) MTGO Modern Daily 3166077 - 12/17/11 12/20/2011
Modern boros terrytheexpert 12/20/2011
Naya 2 TheLams1993 12/19/2011
red aggro SpamBomb 12/19/2011
Naya Boss lastdrone 12/18/2011
Red Deck Wins (Modern) tyty6293 12/17/2011
Goblin xent 12/16/2011
RDW ruready467 12/15/2011
Burn Bluesboy 12/13/2011
UR Delver Kyle Dembinski 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Charlotte - 12/11 9th-16th 12/12/2011
UR Delver Andrew Shrout 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Charlotte - 12/11 5th-8th 12/12/2011
Zoo Dan Musser 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - Charlotte - 12/11 2nd 12/12/2011
Goblins keeeneye 12/11/2011
Bloodbraid Abuse LattureMan 12/10/2011
IgniterJackal SarkhanDuelist 12/9/2011
RDW iwaya 12/9/2011
U/R Final ari4n 12/9/2011
Burn KiTuS4 12/8/2011
Tribal Snap INSIGHT 12/7/2011
Zoo Stampede M5erlin 12/6/2011
U/R ari4n 12/6/2011
RUG Dredgvine ThatPlatypus 12/5/2011
UR Delver Andrew Shrout 2011 StarCity Open Legacy - St. Louis - 12/4 1st 12/5/2011
u/r delver comment plz cory5 12/3/2011
red deck wins Juznam 12/2/2011
Legacy Burn Nick 30075 12/1/2011
Shoal Burn Nick 30075 12/1/2011
Goblins stinkylinkz 11/29/2011
R/B modern LuckyLoser 11/29/2011
balls to the wall over_spawn89 11/28/2011
Jund Sligh erickountal 11/27/2011
Red Aggro SarkhanDuelist 11/26/2011
U/R Delver HELP King Xanadu 11/25/2011
Sarkhan's Legions SarkhanDuelist 11/25/2011
red white mattmancool34 11/25/2011
Burn.2 Il_Magno 11/25/2011
Modern RDW McGriff 11/24/2011
Red Deck Wins Max Sjoblom 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Blue Zoo Armel Primot 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Red Deck Wins Mikko Nurmi 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Domain Zoo Samuele Estratti 2011 Worlds - Modern Decks, 4-2 or Better 11/23/2011
Red Deck Wins Expired 11/22/2011
RDW HELP! Japajew 11/22/2011
Grixis aggro splitsage 11/22/2011
Tribal Snap - Comment INSIGHT 11/21/2011

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