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Search Results for Magic Decks

Viewing 851 - 900 of 981 decks matching your search
Colors Deck Name Player Name Location Placed Date
B/G Delirium Aggro Oleskii Riabokon 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 5th-8th 10/30/2016
B/G Delirium Julien Stihle 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 5th-8th 10/30/2016
B/G Delirium Ben Stark 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 5th-8th 10/30/2016
B/G Delirium Zbysek Panchartek 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 5th-8th 10/30/2016
B/G Delirium Niels Molle 2016 Grand Prix Warsaw 2nd 10/30/2016
Golgari Delirium Corey Lerch (AtomicEmpire) 10/29/2016
Abzan Yoshumotto MTGO Competitive Modern League (5-0): 10/23-10/30 1st 10/28/2016
GB Delerium Steve Moss 10/27/2016
B/G Delirium Richmond Tan 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Jayson Litton 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
Sultai Control Shuhei Nakamura 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Leong Ding Yuan 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Aggro David Jennison 2016 Grand Prix Providence 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Juan Almanzar 2016 Grand Prix Providence 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Justin Gennari 2016 Grand Prix Providence 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Seth Manfield 2016 Grand Prix Providence 2nd 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Aggro Shawn Dhaliwhal 2016 Grand Prix Providence 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Michael Okeefe 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Jon Stern 2016 Grand Prix Providence 33rd-64th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Mathieu Cyrenne 2016 Grand Prix Providence 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Solomon Poh 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Shawn Khoo 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Wathanyu Pinyo 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 9th-16th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Kimihiko Sato 2016 GP Kuala Lumpur 9th-16th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Aggro Alex Stratton 2016 Grand Prix Providence 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Greg Scherzo 2016 Grand Prix Providence 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Dave Shiels 2016 Grand Prix Providence 5th-8th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Maxim Belanger 2016 Grand Prix Providence 5th-8th 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Matthew Darnall SCG Classic Standard - Milwaukee - 10/23/16 9th-16th 10/24/2016
Jund Sam Michels SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 10/22/16 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
Abzan Blake Madson SCG Open Modern - Milwaukee - 10/22/16 17th-32nd 10/24/2016
B/G Delirium Travis Smith SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: GA 3rd-4th 10/23/2016
B/G Delirium Clym Gatrell SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: GA 1st 10/23/2016
B/G Delirium Andres Barboza SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: FL 5th-8th 10/23/2016
B/G Delirium Lee Steht SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: FL 1st 10/23/2016
B/G Delirium Arturo Alvarado Picazo SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: CA 5th-8th 10/19/2016
Chandra Ima Winner Ol' Man 10/18/2016
B/G Delirium Eric Froehlich Pro Tour Kaladesh 17th-32nd 10/18/2016
BG Buylist Opal Krooke 10/18/2016
B/G Delirium Nathan Detamore SCG Standard Regionals Fall 2016: OR 1st 10/17/2016
Jund discard Noah Westman 10/17/2016
B/G Delirium Petr Sochurek Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
B/G Delirium Jason Smyth Pro Tour Kaladesh 9th-16th 10/17/2016
B/G Delirium Alexey Shashov Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
B/G Delirium Jamie Madill Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Black-Green Delirium Kyle Boggemes Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
Jund Delirium Ivan Floch Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
B/G Delirium Matthew Sperling Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016
B/G Delirium Paul Dean Pro Tour Kaladesh 33rd-64th 10/17/2016

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